very unpolished licensed game with no timmy turner or jimmy neutron for jimmy timmy power hour 4 fight, mid game, weak selection of nick characters with odd characters choicen from some franchises but playable.

2D Platformers have peaked everyone else go home

HERO TIME - The first time I experienced anxiety

Mid as hell, also the ost is lame especially compared to x2 and especially especially x1

Alot of people say there's no reason to return to the old animal crossings when the newest one is out since that's the one with the quality of life improvements and modern conveniences and while that is true in that aspect these older ones especially the original, this one & city folk clearly just have way more depth to every character, all the villagers have way more to them in the older ones they feel human they all have individual likes and dislikes they're all unique vs. the new ones were they are essentially just cute - not cute husks with eight different personality types spread across 300+ villagers with no little unique likes and dislikes for all of them just eight flavours of stock villager and that's it that you collect as decoration for your village / island.

It feels like in attempt for more mass appeal animal crossing had to eliminate most of it's soul to do so in new leaf onwards which is a damn shame the new games are clearly more free to customize everything to your will and it is fun more and convenient to design than the older ones but feel alot more hollow and lacking in personality than them at the same time, it's been really interesting for me to play this game now since it's my first time playing and I started with new leaf and I say alot of this confidencence and clearly no "older games were better cause I grew up with them!" bias.

Oh yeah can't wait to get my rocks of- This game: Collect crab

People out here spending hundreds of thousands of dollars gambling for pngs

I love this game, sure the story may not be as good as the original black & white but it's bursting with charm, great music & visuals for the system, fixed the iffy gameplay quirks of the first game (like the linear world progression), jam PACKED with content during and post adventure it's about all I could ask for in a pokemon game and sadly in my opinion it's the last great game before the series sunk to mediocre, water-downed rpgs with the jump to 3D with X and Y but at least they went out with a bang and hopefully some day Gamefreak will as care much as the DS era of pokemon again and then I'll welcome back the series with open arms but until then.

I still prefer the first game personally but this was still a great follow up for what it is.

Great remake of a very fun and memorable game with an undeniable charm, great level variety and enjoyable characters that i wish nintendo would stop copying cause this franchise has so much more potential it's not funny like a star fox game with the same mostly arwing gameplay with some other fun things to mix it up and a grand scale space opera plot bulding on the story of this game and assault and such would be amazing.

Tldr: game and remake great, nintendo be original and for the next game make fun gameplay like this but expanded upon even more and give it a story like the 'fox in space' fanmade youtube short.

Pacifist route is great, music is fantastic, meta stuff is usually obnoxious to me in media but this game does it really well for the most part & most of the characters were fun and memorable but the gameplay is mostly just a vechicle to drive the characters, plot & messages sadly and isn't very fun to play on repeat visits, alpyis sucks & genocide route is a huge slog for a ham fisted message.

Glad to finally join in on the hype 5+ years late cause yeah it's great! mostly just wish the gameplay was stronger cause almost everywhere else it's a genuiely passion filled and unique experience.

Funny skeletron prime

The official art for this game is nut worthy (the game in general also is but...)

Crash's face on the box art says it all.