Star Fox 64 shameless rehash but frustrating and needlessly padded with unfun garbage

South park is freaking epic dude this game gave me mad brainrot

Great remake of a very fun and memorable game with an undeniable charm, great level variety and enjoyable characters that i wish nintendo would stop copying cause this franchise has so much more potential it's not funny like a star fox game with the same mostly arwing gameplay with some other fun things to mix it up and a grand scale space opera plot bulding on the story of this game and assault and such would be amazing.

Tldr: game and remake great, nintendo be original and for the next game make fun gameplay like this but expanded upon even more and give it a story like the 'fox in space' fanmade youtube short.

The best game in this weird ass sub-series

Giving every single trainer like 3+ pokemon makes the game more annoying than hard

I still prefer the first game personally but this was still a great follow up for what it is.

Easily by a landslide the best musou game since it actually has level design and so much gameplay variety that it barely feels like a musou game (thank god) so i'd recommend even musou detractors like me to play it!

Outside of that the music and art style are still as great as p5, the new characters especially zenkichi are great and the game is just so fun and addicting and i never thought I'd say that about a warriors game ever. The only things I didn't like were a few dumb tropes like the exact same bathhouse misunderstanding scene from p3 & p4 and the story having some predictable elements but those are fairly minor so all in all i genuiely loved this game way more than I thought I was going to.

The official art for this game is nut worthy (the game in general also is but...)

Pacifist route is great, music is fantastic, meta stuff is usually obnoxious to me in media but this game does it really well for the most part & most of the characters were fun and memorable but the gameplay is mostly just a vechicle to drive the characters, plot & messages sadly and isn't very fun to play on repeat visits, alpyis sucks & genocide route is a huge slog for a ham fisted message.

Glad to finally join in on the hype 5+ years late cause yeah it's great! mostly just wish the gameplay was stronger cause almost everywhere else it's a genuiely passion filled and unique experience.

Funny skeletron prime

Crash's face on the box art says it all.

What's here is really good but it could've been truly fantastic with a longer development cycle like traveller's tales wanted such a big shame but still enjoyable enough for what it is and definitely the best crash game between the oringal ctr and until ctr's remake and 4 came out.

People out here spending hundreds of thousands of dollars gambling for pngs

An enjoyable pokemon game, way better than gen 7 & 8 i'll give it that at least this game feels like a game and not a guided tour like the other 2 newer gens also Fun to replay and not bogged down with endless text unlike the shit ass gen 7 & 8.

Why do rogue & cream sound like that