The hardest part of the whole game is going from mission to mission without alerting the krimzon guards

As someone who has overwelming nostalgia for this game: i've owned it since my 9th birthday in 2008, it was the first pokemon game i owned and really got to dig into for myself, the music brings me right back to my childhood, i would watch superskarmory & marriland's let's plays for secrets i missed and of course traded and battled with friends.

Putting all that aside it's clear gamefreak had alot of passion in trying to make this game the way they wanted by trying to cram in as many seemingly forgotten or about to be forgotten features as they can like: the day and night feature and post game areas to explore like gen 2 or secret bases and contests from gen 3 and including alot of new stuff gen 4 introduced and gen 4 not to mention it also brought in some much needed gameplay refinements like the physical special split. The roughness of this game mostly did not come from a lack of passion or vision but rather what they could to in the time allocated and what the engine could handle gen 4 in many ways feels like a best of gens 1, 2 & 3 which does mean i think gen 4 dosen't quite have as unique a voice as those games but i think it comes out on top in what it did and i admire this game for that but it's blantant it needed extra time in the oven and thankfully platinum ironed out most of the kinks and let gen 4 shine.

Those remakes tho are the most pointless and laziest looking things i've ever seen tho don't get me started on it i have zero interest in that thing (seriously a faithful remake of the original versions with very likely no platinum content and judging by the faithful tag it'll very likely bring mostly nothing but an ugly facelift ewwwww)

The freshest pokemon game out there: it's the most story and character driven game in the series and dosen't interrupt the gameplay too much (like future entries), the main story has nothing but entirely new pokemon to use which really helped it feel new at the time of release, the gym / 10 year old conquering villian team / elite four & champion structure is still here but with some interesting twists here and there (especially the ending), the game is a little easier than previous ones but nowhere near as mindless as every pokemon game after this generation (not that the old games are hard per se but you still had to try), the new sprite artwork and camera in battle is so good and really helped the battles feel more alive and that soundtrack man so damn great.

The game is sadly more linear than gens 1-4 because of the bigger story focus but thankfully the areas are still pretty open to explore and not hallways (looks at sun & moon / sword & shield) but besides that and a few other little niggles (like the slightly lesser post-game than that of the other ds entries) all-in-all it's a fantastic game: it's fresh, it's fast and it's fun not much else to say really, play it!

I have no idea what I just experienced but it was an interesting and fun mindfuck to say the least.

Decent follow up to the legendary dk 94'

This game is enjoyable cause the originals were great but judging this game as a remake it's incredibly half assed: it dosen't take any of the improvements or added content from emerald and all new added content is shallow or not that interesting and not really worth the revist to me if you've played emerald espically, the most substantial added thing (the delta episode) is litterally just a 1 1/2 hour go here get exposition it's kinda boring and not that interesting, zinna's a nothing character but hey you fly rayquaza to space and fight deyxos that's really cool but um...

I can't in good faith hate this remake cause i love gen 3 but it's also just so slap dash and thrown together to me that i kinda dislike it at the same time idk

Holy shit pit you can take down actual hell creatures and greek gods but not run at a moderate speed for more than 10 seconds without overexerting yourself? Pathetic

Fire: best levels and design, music, story, moneybags is a delightful asshole what's not to love?

It barely fixed any of sun and moon's various problems gameplay wise, made the story worse & everything it added is shallow as hell... why does this re-release exist?

A shooter with non-regenerating health AND fun weapons that you hold all of and not just two? sign me the hell up.

The gameplay is very simplistic but just fun enough for me to play the main story through but miss me with the whopping THIRTY-TWO extra campaigns, the gameplay's way too simplistic and the story's too barely existent for me to playthrough all that.

Despite my mixed feelings on this one I think a sequel could be awesome, heck I'd be more excited for that than the main series nowadays (hey-yooooooooooooo)

The extremely limited inventory (yes i'm talking about jill i never wanna play chris that sounds awful) really drags this game down for me which sucks i love this game in most other regards but i just get really annoyed with the frequent backtracking to shove items in that damn box and makes the game more annoying to play than it should.

Stupidly additive and fun, beautiful game in the audio and visual department, story's fun (louie you bastard), the quality of life improvements are great and for me personally the length was perfect not too short like pikmin 1 and not too long and padded out like 2, also the mission and bingo battle modes are even better than 2, The only things I didn't like are that it's a bit too easy and since it's a little more story focused than the other games it is more linear but still yeah pikmin 3's pretty damn fantastic I love this series man.

Yellow monkey is my sleep paralysis demon