Metal slug X: Prepare to Die edition ( X?)

I bought that game to help a brazilian developer and finished it wanting to kill him

Metal slug 2: Prepare to Die edition (2)

Probably one of the most underrated horror game of all, SH4 has a great atmosfere, a good story and its greater than the SH3, at least for me, if you are thinking if you should play that game or not...just go

If you are used to soul calibur combat that game has nothing new to offer to you, same mechanics, same strategies same combat, but hey....this game has geralt the witcher as a fighter so if it is not a good reason to play....i don't know what is.

Almost an expansion of the first game, we had an upgrade in gameplay, but some things got worse like the scenarios design and friends IA, still a good game to play if you like RE


That game is so good that is unfair