Not a childhood game for me, I got this game for the first time in 2020. Even without the nostalgia factor, it's an incredible creative game where the sky and bedrock are the limit!

Good and simple fun of being a destructive cat! However, I got bored after just 30 minutes of wailing away at boxes, in true cat fashion.

I've been here since 2012, and I just played dinosaur morph button role play and sim games. Along with skateboarding in circles for hours on end.

Now it's kind of it's own weird entity? I still have fun on it, though- Just find the right games!

A fun, cute, exploration game with plenty of side-quests to keep you busy when you're having fun hiking around the mountain.

This is the MMO, my MMO. The one that I have been playing since 2010! The gameplay loop is very simple, enjoyable, and has gone unchanged for over a decade now:

Step ONE: Get the cheese.
Step TWO: Get back to the mouse-hole.
Step THREE: When you are Shaman, take a break after all your hard work of cheese-gathering. Summon Anvil God if anyone whines.
Step FOUR: Repeat.

THOSE DOGS! SURE! ARE! WOBBLE! Fun little experience where you can create wonderful, horrible, amalgamationative little puppy beasts. It was fun snagging all of the achievements!

Never been too into visual novels, but this one caught my eye- glad it did! Had a very memorable time with Cove, surprisingly well-thought out and emotionally investing...

Not all too replayable, but hey! I liked it a lot.

Despite everything; over-hype, mainstreaming, and countless unsavory fandom experiences... Undertale is still good.

Spec-fucking-tacular! Puzzles that make me scratch my noggin, a wonderful expansion on the original's story and design choices, and of course- Glados and Chell divorce saga.

Why is the entirety of the DLC nearly 1,000$ USD, but still leaves you with a boring game?

Just go play the Sims 3, instead.

I just go on here sometimes to play baseball as a giant kaiju monster, feed ducks, and sit in the corner of an art room and draw. It's fun to listen to people arguing about the most asinine things while I mind my own business and dissociate for a little bit.

It's a buggy, unfinished (and never will be) dinosaur role playing simulator. There are better games about dinosaurs you could be playing, surely!


Yeah, it's a fun little who-done-it game. I loved the april fools Horse Update. I love that we can all agree the phrase "among us" is now slightly singed for all of us.

An INCREDIBLE fighting-game experience! Flash, spunk, flair, style! It's single-player story mode is LAUGHABLE, but the true fun to be had is with the homies, wailing on each other and making up silly stories for whatever is going on between your fighters.

Very smooth, satisfying to play, a bit tricky to master!

Very overwhelming if you're new, which I was! I can tell this was an incredible experience, and it's style is calling out my name like freshly baked sourdough bread! But... Not my thing.

Maybe if somebody dragged me along to get back into it? But otherwise, I think I'm good.