7 reviews liked by Koulalis

My heart yearns to go back to that summer. I want to stay there.
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 is a beautiful game full of so much heart. You spend a summer as a child, called Boku, staying with his aunt and uncle in a small island village by the sea. You spend your days fishing, swimming, catching and fighting bugs, the usual holiday fare.
But you also form deep connections with everyone on the island and their visiting friends and relatives. You help so many people with their issues. No one is surface level, everyone is genuine and well thought out.
This game gracefully and realistically explores aging population, neglect, death and grieving, love, crime, cultural differences and more.
You have no goal in this game. You can choose to, or not to do any of this. Its entirely up to you what you do with your summer holiday. But its hard, truly to do nothing. There is an undescribable amount of love and care put into every element of this game, it feels me with deep peace and joy knowing that something like this is out there and was highly popular in Japan.
Play this game if you want summer, if you want to swim, if you miss home, your family, childhood, if you miss humanity and colour and you find yourself drowning in the greys and cruelty of the city. Go and spend your summer in the country.

Par où commencer.. J'adore Benedict.

Plus sérieusement, Triangle strategy est mon tout premier tactical rpg et quel claque !
Des personnages attachants et touchants, des ost de dingue, un gameplay super efficace et puis un pixel art au petit oignons. Je l'ai découvert quasiment en même temps que mon oncle, et c'est notre jeu, nos personnages, nos histoires, chacun de notre côté, qui nous a transporté. Si bien raconter du début à la fin, c'était captivant.

En parlant de fin, 4 fin sont possible, dont une "vraie" fin.
J'ai tellement adorer ce jeu que après l'avoir finis, j'ai relancé le jeu avec ma sauvegarde pour que refaire le jeu une nouvelle fois. Il est désormais à 100% et je ne regrette en aucun cas le temps passer dessus (environ 70h).

Mine de rien, beaucoup de dialogue dans le jeu, il faut bien compter 20h à 25h de dialogue lol, mais ça ne m'a vraiment pas déranger, au contraire.

Je pourrais parler longtemps de ce jeu, de cette merveille.

Top 3 personnages :

Easily one of the best souls-like out there. The fact that this game is a AA is something huge.

Combat system is fun and the weapons fusions allow u to play the way you want

Story wise it's solid, nothing big but you'll be into this really fast.

Hope they'll release a DLC next year and keep supporting the game

What represents to you the most valuable part of survival horror as a genre of video game? Most modern games have decided it's the action, with tense gunplay and over the shoulder cameras. Some, most notably rose-engine with the recent Signalis, have emphasized the exploration aspects, creating a sort of miniature Metroid style of play with tense inventory management, looping environments, and limited resources. Chilean developer Dual Effect decided that their horror game, Tormented Souls, is a puzzle game first and foremost.

This game has no limited inventory, and the fixed camera means old school lock-on is utilized for gunplay. It commits hard to these old school tropes, with beautiful backgrounds that closely resemble GameCube era Resident Evil, inventory reloading, and a nearly useless map. But committing to these things showed me, at least, that these are not gimmicks - they hold up even today, and still make for an enjoyable game. Some of the puzzles are far too obtuse to be easily solved, but most of them can be accomplished without a guide with a bit of head scratching. If anything, I just wish the map marked when you had everything in a room, like the RE2 remake - this would help signpost when you had everything you needed to solve a puzzle. Other things I hope they fix in any future games would be the excessive backtracking (a few more shortcuts would have made this perfect!) and maybe a sortable inventory. Also, this is my own fault, but I didn't realize you could equip a crowbar as a melee weapon until a significant way through the game, and I weep for the ammo I lost finishing off floored enemies - a ground stomp or some sort of heads up about the crowbar would have been excellent.

In some ways, I like this a lot more than other modern attempts at survival horror. It is a very flawed game, so my score is being heavily impacted by "reviewer's tilt" - basically, I like this way more than I should on paper.

Also, the story is terrible, which I guess you could see as a problem, but I personally adored. It's survival horror, a terrible story with bad voice acting is perfect - I had a great time with it. What's less good is the main characters model and outfit, which I found to be exploitative in a lame and unfun way, and not really matching with other aspects of the game. There was apparently a patch to add a new outfit to the game, so this was partly resolved. Sexy is fine and all, that's not my complaint, it just looked really weird when placed inside the beautifully rendered environments with their The Suffering-esque enemies.

Anyway, I think I've been more negative than I actually feel about the game. For fans of classic Resident Evil, play this! It's absolutely worth the entry fee, and the brisk 7 - 10 hour playthrough doesn't drag.

Very cute, calming, and fun organization game.

i LOVE making things look nice!!!!!!!

Just an unreal experience. First souls-like game, and what an entry to start on. Somehow recaptured the magic and world building I remember from some of my first games, like Pokemon Emerald, Pikmin, and WoW. Experiencing that again in adulthood was just gobsmacking. Masterpiece.