Next-Fest Feb.2023 (WIP)

I'm busy with uni and getting laid, wish there was more time to check out more of this here next-fest. It's like each one is better than the last!

Shadows of Doubt
Shadows of Doubt
This game is unreal. On the face of it, "proceduraly generated detective game" doesn't sound too promising, but this one actually pulls it off! A whole city block to explore, with every single character having a job, information on what happened around them, places they live in, with every part of the experience feeling alive. I didn't think that solving a murder case would be fun in non-prewritten circumstances, but it actually was! Can't wait for the full release.


Though some parts are EXTREMELY hand-holdy, ones it opens up just a little bit, this game feels like it has a great progression system, with chill resourse gathering and a focus on having adventures, instead of constant grind.


Smushi Come Home
Smushi Come Home
Probably the first game to capture the essense of childish exploration for me. "Childish" not intented as an insult, because the world of Shumi is perfect for putting you into the innocent mind-set of a kid running around a friendly and chill environment. Can't wait to play the full game!


Mars First Logistics
Mars First Logistics


Actually super fun, I like that the health and movement systems encourage cooperation and a good knowledge of the map, because the TTK is pretty low, but you can always come back from a fight if you just take cover and let your mates have your back. The visuals are awesome too


Planet of Lana
Planet of Lana


Valfaris: Mecha Therion
Valfaris: Mecha Therion


It's kinda janky, kinda bland, and it's weird for an indie roguelike to have a battle pass, but damn if it isn't addictive. And that's what a good roguelike should be: fun and addictive. The other thing is it should have a lot of content to go through, and with the MMO elements present, it seems like Inkbound could be another jem in this ever-expanding genre.


Slave Zero X
Slave Zero X
Uuuuuugh, based???


Sons of Valhalla
Sons of Valhalla


Darkest Dungeon II
Darkest Dungeon II
I kinda detest the first game, so believe me when I say that DD2 looks...pretty good so far. I haven't squeezed all I could with the demo, but the sequel seems more accessible and thus more able to explore the good and fun ideas the original had that were overshadowed by all the bullshit that nobody liked. I worry what all the changes will do to strategy vis-a-vis building your party with long-term plans in mind, but we'll see


Mika and the Witch's Mountain
Mika and the Witch's Mountain




Perseus: Titan Slayer
Perseus: Titan Slayer

But seriously though, the Looter-ARPG trappings are put pretty well onto standart roguelike mechanics & progression, but the visual style is every "good graphics" showcase plus limp animations and some weird performance issues. Might be good on release, but great? Eh.


Tray Racers!
Tray Racers!


Glitch Busters: Stuck on You
Glitch Busters: Stuck on You
If Sonic Heroes and Custle Crashers had a Jet Set Radio child that entered into a polyamorous relationship with a Splatoon baddie and a meek children's educational platformer


Atomic Picnic
Atomic Picnic
This is honestly too unfinished even for a beta or early access, let alone a demo. It's cool and I can see potential for fun hijinks with friends, but man is it dull without ANY music or any meaningful enemy variety


Mail Time
Mail Time
SUUUPER unpolished in everything but the visuals, and even they are marred by awful performance. Looks promising in concept, but man am I not jumping at the gun to buy this after the demo



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