A huge step down from DA:O. They turned a strategy driven RPG with brutal combat into a hack-n-slash where enemies exploded on impact. The thought out dungeons were replaced with a handful of maps that they used over and over again. This was the beginning of the end for BioWare in my mind as this showed EA pushing them into making yearly releases.

Years ago I got to the final boss and he's super obnoxious. No desire to finish it at this point.

Hard to give this a high or low score. It's the first of its kind and it hasn't aged very well, but we wouldn't have the FPS genre without this game.

Every few years I go back to this game thinking it probably wasn't as good as I remember and every time I am reminded of just how incredible of a game this is. It deserves its place in halls of great video games.

Love Super Mario 3D World but the real joy of this cartridge is found in Bowser's Fury. Though on a small scale, it shows us what an open world Mario game can be and I loved it.

Great game play and and absolutely gorgeous world. However, it suffers from being too big and too repetitive. Each new area feels like a slog after a while as it gives you the same things to do over and over again. Also, the quest design is poor even for an Assassin's Creed game. I can't list the number of times you come across an event or quest and the only direction they give you is "Oh, he went that way" and the NPC doesn't do anything to indicate any direction whatsoever.

This game had an amazing concept that became bogged down in the mire that is Ubisoft's lust for GaaS money.

Amazing love letter to old-school brawlers.

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It's fine for the most part. It's a pretty faithful remake of the original game, but Square Enix has never been able to not mess things up, I mean, attempt to improve the game. This time they decided to give Chaos a massive difficultly spike. I had no issues with any of the content and even the second fights with the fiends weren't that difficult, but Chaos was altogether another beast. My first two times fighting him, Chaos cast Haste on himself right away, doubling his physical attacks. Casting protect and invisible on my party did nothing, and he just butchered me. Not much I can do when he can even oneshot my level 47 knight with the best armor in the game on a crit. Finally on the third attempt, the RNG blessed me to not have him cast haste on himself until he was nearly dead. His magic spells were pretty easily handled, but good luck if you have the same luck as I did and are forced to deal with haste early on.

All in all, the remake was fine. The music alone was incredible. But that last fight doesn't have me looking forward to any other "fixes" they tried to implement in the rest of the Pixel Remaster series.

A simple puzzle game that isn't trying to be anything special. I found it to be endlessly charming and loved each minute of it's brief length.

This game series is great, though like Bethesda games, it's held back by weird bugs that their various systems have when interacting. Some times, I'd grapple onto a boat and I'd suddenly be going in a completely different direction. Half of my deaths in this game were from enemies spawning in helicopters right above my own and crashing right into me. Also like Bethesda games though, those bugs didn't keep me from really enjoying myself for the most part.

This game was much shorter than JC3, which I believe comes from removing the need to completely clear out bases before taking over territories. The island also feels smaller, but it's been years since I played JC3, so I can't really compare the island sizes.

The weather weapons are a lot of fun to play around with, though I usually found myself falling back on a few reliable weapons when things got dicey in combat.

The missions started to feel repetitive, and by the end, I just skipped everyone's side missions and focused on clearing out each territory so I could complete the game.

All-in-all, a good game.

Really interesting concept that isn't executed very well. It was interesting looping and seeing how each area changed depending on the time of day, but I grew tired of it pretty quickly. Honestly, this just made me want to go back and play Dishonored again, which is far more and better fleshed out.

Such an amazing game. Loved the characters, the story, the gameplay, all of it. It doesn't get full 5 stars though because it did have framerate issues on my PS3 and it crashed from time to time.

Fun, but the AC formula became stale here. One of the best parts of the AC games for me is taking part in historical events. That was so poorly implemented I didn't even know the revolution had started until I stumbled on an execution.

This game is not good. Badly designed levels, horrible difficulty spikes, and uninspired boss fights that are difficult for the sake of being difficult. Easily the worst game in the series.

Another open-world game that starts off strong but ends up being too bloated. By the final area, I just ran past all the side quests and rushed to finish the game.

Great combat, good characters, an okay story. Overall good, but bogged down by repetition.