Need New Mario Baseball Game Nintendo


Better than the movie but that's not saying much.

Doesn't have very good controls.

Every little kid who played this probably got stuck on the first boss.

Where's the second and third chaos emerald game!

Sonic Drift is a poor Mario Kart clone for a console that could barely support a racing game.

Better than the first though that's not saying much.

Other than two instances of the annoyance the game is actually pretty fun and one the best on the Game Gear despite it's reputation.

At first it was easy, then the awful tubes and gimmicks come back. Awful story, ugly artstyle make this one of the worst Sonic games.

What's the most important part of a game well being able to play it, and this game refuses to be played thanks EA

This game needs a sequel badly, I spent 26 hours 100% this game and I do it again. Rockstar I don't care about GTA 6 give me Bully 2.

It tries to port the console game on a weaker hardware but falls very very short.

The story was terrible and the game play was good, extremely disappointing.