It still brings a smile to my face thinking about it having played it so many years ago

Very pretty piece of fanservice, it's not very good though.

Just rewatch the movie

I'd need to replay this to get a proper opinion but this game is fucking insane in scope and content. The devs really liked Baldur's Gate 2 but this game got 4 times the amount of content of that. Writing is also far more compelling than the previous entry. Biggest negative is probably the army management but it's still better than what was in Kingmaker.

Probably one the best adapations of a movie franchise into a game, not solely for the gameplay alone. This game is something you might think the creators of the movies had a hand in making.

It's an FPS games on slower more methodical end with significant RPG elements in the form of more open levels with multiple objectives and an experience based skill point system.

Playing as Robocop, you stomp around like crazy whenever you move (with different sounds depending on what kind of ground your walking on), you're allowed a sprint but your generally pretty slow but the levels accomodate for it nicely enough, still you're a tank on legs, opposition needs to be overwhelming to pose even a simple threat to you, mowing down the dozens of criminals at once with Robocop's signature weapon and one other side arm from an interesting selection of period weapon with limited ammo. One would think that such a formula to get old eventually but it really doesn't, every major shootout could potentially be from the movies themselves and enemies get varied enough to even have you switch things up a little, the game is moderately hard on normal difficulty and the RPG progression system is surprisingly tame, helps a little and spices things up a bit but never felt major, like the game was designed it with having that part of the game not influence things too much and it's for the best. The RPG experience system is there mainly for the more openeded part of the game, you don't just shoot irredimable criminals, you're also investigating and helping citizens. This part of the game can be menial but is necessary for the writing of the game and allows to flesh things out very well, for a game that might resemble Fallout 4 in that regard it's actually filled with far more significant action and consequences.

Writing is genuinely the highlight of the game, it bears repeating that it genuinely feels like another (good) movie in the franchise. Everything that made the first movie awesome is here. It's funny, it's gorey, it's messy, it's satirical of grim world run by corporate overlords and humanity still pushing through despite it all. Visually is also something straight out of the movies too even with being a budget title and all, the enviromental artists really nailed the decadent detroit, every places is just packed with details.

Genuienly a really funny game too. It's pretty fanservicey towards the rest of the franchise but in ways that feels elegant and smart.

The only negatives I can think off are the performances at release, the checkpoint system sometimes not having enough checkpoints and the first boss being a shitty bulletsponge I needed to cheese to beat.

(Played through the Japanese PS1 collection)

One of the first RPGs ever and influential in ways you need to play to fully understand, the NES/Famicom port of this game is probably the biggest influence on the japanese side of the genre at the time and it's influence can still be felt even in games made much later who developed further away from those roots, sadly as game it's one of those cases where you can tell it's one of the firsts in the genre still trying to figure how to be.

The game itself ain't as brutal as it was made out to be, as someone used to the convetions of older RPGs at least, but every encounter of even level with the enemy could mean a potential reload depending on how things go, particulalry on later in the game, still regardless of that the game is rather dull since the dungeon floors as big as they are don't have much a reason to explore them, you won't find loot outside combat encounters and even then you won't find much worthwhile outside the late game, making most the floors pointless to explore outside needing exp and grinding, this is also a game where you might want to reload after a level up because your stats got worse. I managed to beat the final boss solely because he didn't use his party nuke spell on one attempt which otherwise would've meant need to grind for a few more hours to beat him.

As fascinating in it's influece as is I didn't find it particularly enjoyable

As someone who was looking forward to this hoping for it to improve on what I disliked about the original I'm overwhelmend by how much better this sequel turned out to be.

I disliked the original because it was more a 2D dark souls and I'm not really fond of that formula anymore. This game follows the metroidvania beats far closer with it actually having movement upgrades that while basic all make traversing the enviroment more enjoyable and come with lots of challenges. The the new weapons you can get are all great even with the clear superiority of one over the others and interestingly early on dictate the routes and upgrades you can get since these weapons have specific interactions with the enviroment allowing you teach otherwise unreacheable places. Generally the game's got a great rythim with exploration and rewards and only gets less interesting when you run out of new places to see and things to do by the end. Impressively even the visuals are better, shame the cutscenes are no longer obscenely detailed pixeld art

People might take issues with far lower difficulty but that's mainly due to your chatacter being much much stronger. The real issue are enemy types who lunge forward at you, have fun taking damage as you wake up because their on top of you.

If you had a decent impression of the original or just want a great game in the genre be sure to play this.

It's not very good.

It's a classic RE clone solely focused on puzzles that has puzzles on the level of those games, so get X Item to Y Place only and the items aren't displayed in the enviroment and youneed to interact with them to know if anything is there, so have fun there.

Guess it's a little amusing.

When talking about Duke Nukem 3D even people who enjoy it struggle to put into words why they like it so much. People who don't know will say it was having an action hero pastiche, others will say it was the "interactivity" as in being able to play biliards in one level. Duke 3D actual biggest strength it's his level design, levels that are still to this day looking actual places while allowing gamey stuff to happen with small narratives and setpieces in them, no memorable story obv but levels leading into one another at the exit rather than just dropping you there and amusing theming in the levels adds a lot to it. Duke 3D actual loop is also pretty good and standout for the genre, with the core loadout from the first episode being usual but slightly different to further additions like the Shrinker and Devastator being nice and fuctional gimmicks, sadly there's also the Freezethrower and a good chunk of actually useless weapons and items, not many games are designed around the fact that the player could have a jetpack on themselves at all times though.

Episode 1: The most iconic the game gets and probably a good reason why the saying that the freeware episode in a retroshooter is the best one is said to begin with. This is as tight as the game gets not the other episodes aren't to look forward too.
Episode 2: Drop down in quality but not as severe as a lot of people make it out ot be. Levels are still really good but plagued with the overuse of suicide drones and less varied in their colors.
Episode 3: Back to earth with more colorful and better levels.
Episode 4: Pretty nutty. There are a lot of annoying encounters but over this is Duke 3D at it's limits.

Duke Nukem 3D is still to this day a standout in the genre with it's design and unique gimmicks. And it's still probably the weakest in the Build Engine Trinity.

Toby Fox played Moon Remix RPG one day and told himself I'd make a game like it but just ok with good music. And he did


Pretty big oddity in genre, being an FPS from this era with a huge focus on exploration, platforming and a live system is enough already to make the standout and then it's about native american fighting aliens, dinousars and cyborgs. Kinda fails at what it sets out to do pretty badly but it's still has strong points that might make the game a decent time for those willing to put up with it's shortcomings.

I've more negative to say but let's start with the positives. Moving and jumping feels really good, the way you sway and the gun bobs while moving so fast feels appropriate but maybe offputting for some people. This is based off a comic book and if you didn't know this alreay it will make sense once you see the weapons in this game. Guns in the this game are awesome, even some of them becoming obsolete pretty fast and the game having to account you might not have the best tool for the scenario they are still useful and more than that designed to be the coolest and loudest thing. You got an autoshotgun, a minigun, alien gun that sends enemy into orbit and quad rocket launcher among them. Soundtrack is a banger, only listened to the N64 version (There's differnet OSTs for the N64 and PC version, both are available and tooglable in this remaster) so I can't say how the pc version fairs but go listen to that stuff now.

Unto the negatives. Level design is really bad. Gigantic levels whose goal is to get keys to unlock other levels in the main hub and pieces of a special weapon to defeat the final boss. The goal is to get a better sense of exploration which is also why the levels have been made so big, issue is that the levels are gigantic and linear anyway with the keys being placed along the path or in a short sidepath you can miss and the pieces of the special weapon frequently beign hidden in secrets, you can reload a save and basic exploration got me most of even collectables hidden in secrets but in the worse case scenario you need to replay a whole level and idea alone rightfully will turn people off. No real point to platforming or the live system, which isn't as bad as it sounds but accidentally falling into a death pit will make you lose some time and deaths are not particularly punishing either, your health resets and most importantly you loose the ammo upgrade if you got it, I think I've only died once because of enemies and the rest were misjudged jumps but I never got a gameover. Kinda weird that game starts spicing up it's enemy roster significantly only in the last 2 levels, not like opposition is much threatening despite it mostly being hitscanners since their attack rate is pretty low and so is their effective range even their damage on normal isn't high ignoring how generous overheals and armor pickups are, they are fun to fight still even solely for some of death animations.

As for the visuals the game is a mixed bag. Models look ok with today's standars but they're really well animated and accompaniend by great sound design and generally fun enemy designs. Levels are some of the ugliest looking levels in a shooter I've seen, they are so big it would've probably been prohibitive to decorate them throughly but man they're bare and ugly, I think on average each level has like 2-5 textures repeated for the enviroments, Duke 3D came out the year prior.

I suggest trying out this game looking for just a decent time out of a it and figure if you can put up with levels design, turn back on the fog since the game relies on it.

Another coinfeed run but this game was too caothic for my tastes. Pretty damn awesome still

I haven't properly finished this game because I got awfully tired of it, I don't like to talk about stuff I haven't fully finished but I have things to say about this game, take all of this as you will. For the record I gave up the last level of the second chapter.

Let's begin with the fact that this isn't a retro-shooter at all besides visuals. It's more inspired by Doom Eternal but doesn't really commit to it and ends up something that tries to be like a retro-shooter but really isn't, feels like they wanted a something looking retro that played like Doom Eternal but just didn't pan out.

The melee options like the chainsword and the sprint that kills enemies are pretty clear signals of the Doom Eternal's influence. More importantly though it's the arena and encounter design, areas are big and paired with high mobility, the most important encounters are in arenas that lock you in and allow you to leave only once everything is dead. Also keys are needed for progression but rather than actually being actively searching for them like a retro-shooter them you'll encouter them as go, they're just a motivator but that's not inherently bad.

The reason why all of this ends up being pretty dull is simply a matter of severe lack of difficulty, even on the second hardest difficulty and a really weak gameplay loop. The gameplay loop is pretty simple retro-shooter affair but it feels conceived with something like Doom Eternal's systems but then they realized that's not like a retro-shooter at all. Health goes to from 200 to 10 like Eternal but you don't have to get health back yourself by interacting with multiple systems, generous health refils are just in a container somewhere in the arena, ammo for weapons other than the basic bolter also run dry quickly but much alike they're just plentiful around the level or arena. So you don't have to really manage resources at all like retro-shooters who would also have explorations and rewards or systems to interact with like in Doom Eternal. The opposition you meet is also rather inconsequential and not stimulating. Enemies can be divided in three categories, stands there and shoots slow and easy to dodge projecticles with different amounts of health but generally not an issue, runs at you fast at you and needs to be dealt with out of annoyace and finally a boss or bosslike encounters whom are rather spongy and have several visually messy attacks. Enemies might have different weapon resistances, I'm not inherently against this but it ends up being annoying particularly with bosses. I didn't find myself enganging with these enemies in anything more than the right tool at the right time which paired with the really shallow resource management made everything really dull quickly, bosses might get really annoying when you run out of resources and they start teleporting around big arenas.

The spritework is really good, weapon sprites are awesome and using miniatures for the enemies is a great touch. Enviroments are beatean easily by games who came out 30 years earlier.

The game biggest strong point is how it feels, your space marine stomps around like crazy and the guns might be some of the best to use in a shooter period even when the melee options are incosequential. If this is enough for you'll enjoy the game otherwise I would think twice before getting this.

It's hard to live up the expectations of a great game like Trials Of mana and yet they went and made something even better. Incredibly faithful remake, maps, dialogs, skill progression and many more things are just like they were in the orginal but in a new form.

This time around the game is actually a real Action RPG, the original felt like one but most the action was just getting in and out of range of enemy attacks and didn't even matter against special and magical attacks, here they are AoEs you can dodge out of, as for your characters they can do simple universal combos now and unlock more as you Classchange making the game feel a little bit like a 3D Beat'Em Up and your spells also have AOEs. Progression is so much better, instead gaining one spell at a time as you level up and improving a stat of your choice you are give skill points to allocate how you see fit with added link abilities to unlock and equip, exploring is also worth a damn now since straying from the given path will have you find treasure instead of just encounters. Gone are also all the annoyances of the original, no longer having to wait for spells and skills to play out before you can do something else and even the grind for the 3 Classchange is eased up if you don't want to classchange early. Story is largely the same and it was carried by the playable characters and this time they have a lot of interactions with voices, Angela and Rietz are cuter than ever. Music is also very faithful to the original to the point I can't tell if it's just the same tracks. Companion's AI leaves to be desired but it's still far better than you'd expect.

The game biggest flaw is how easy it is, the original wasn't really hard but it gets aggravating here.
Some of it's due to the fact that you can dodge most special attacks but generally the game has been balanced to be really damn indulgent even on hard, when the game gets hard only in small spikes that aren't that challenging either, if you aren't into the characters and progression the game will fell mindnumbing. Unlike the original the game isn't a high budget production pushing boundaries and it shows, everything outside models doesn't look good and the game is almost janky during certain bosses, hit detection on those is weird and it makes companions not work properly.

Translation is probably fine but they let the translator take too many liberties imo, didn't need to give names to characters who literally don't have them lol.

I don't think the game can satisfy everyone and the lack of difficulty is definetively going to turn people off but this remake is even better than already awesome game, I can't not recommend it.

After wasting time trying to get into the previous Mana titles I jumped unto this and I had a blast. 6 different really cool characters and your protagonists and companion choices influence the story. Each character has a beginner class which they can change into 2 other classes later in the game, twice. The game isn't really an action RPG since the only action element is moving in and out of enemy melee range, spells and special attacks can't be dodged but despite that the game is still immensely enjoyable. The biggest thing if favor of this game is how fast progression is for the genre, you're always moving forward and seeing, doing new things. Needless to say it looks and sounds great. Major criticism is that the story isn't overall that engaging, main party is a highlight for sure and depending on how much you like those characters you might not be bothered by it, still the story has a lot of strength and presence for 2/3 of the game but the last third up to the final section of the game it feels like it's barely there. Minor complaints, spells animations can't be skipped and you'll get tired of seeing them but you sped them up in an emulator and the grind for the 3rd class change is boring but you can also sorta cheat it in a emulator I suppose. Play this game it's awsome