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I played this game again for the same reason I replayed GTA VC, I've never finished it as a kid and wanted to finally complete it and I'm so glad I did.

Not only the nostalgia hit me like a train but the game is actually still pretty fun to play, mechanic wise.

It has it's usual clunkiness of old games, but everything is improved for the better from the past games.

There's still some annoying grinds but they aren't as long and definetely not boring as VC.

There are some points that I feel are pretty unfair (not even the freaking train, but that stupid flight school) but it doesn't hurt the game as much as VC.

Plus, if you didn't know, Tenpenny is voiced by FUCKING SAMUEL L. JACKSON.

Definetely deserves the love people give it, even with it's issues.

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Playing this game again was a nostalgic trip.

I never finished it when I was a kid, had more fun just entering cheat codes and blowing stuff up, and decided to finally finish it now that I'm old.

The first 90% of the game were amazing.

The nostalgia only filled with joy now that I knew how to play and went through the story.

But when I got to the end game and discovered the assets missions (otherwise I couldn't finish the game) I nearly gave up.

The assets take a lot of grind, the missions are awfulyl long and terribly boring, and are 100% obligatory or you won't unlock the last mission.

The game is amazing for the majority of it, but for the person in Rockstar who thought was a great idea to make assets missions absolutely necessary... I hope you are eating an yogurt and bit at something crunchy.

I really like the game, it's a bit clunky, but it is an old game and it amazes me how everyone always remember VC and SA but III not so much.

It's a fun game, the story is ok, not very developed, but again, I believe is based on the time the game was released.

If you love old GTA games but haven't played GTAIII, go play it.

I love this game. It's the best level design I ever saw in a game. The underlined story, the characters, the simple watch and learn mechanic that made the difficulty so famous. It's absolutely amazing.

But that all being said, the game isn't perfect, quite the contrary, there's a lot of problems, optmization, not to mention the development hell that affected several areas in the game in a bad way.

But again, I love it, it's my favorite game, and despite all the problems, there is a reason it became the huge success and franchise that it is today.