615 Reviews liked by KyuuMetis

Instead of accidentally throwing a Wii-mote at the TV you can now throw your yourself at it.

This game was the silliest little matter I had to attend to.

The story driven RPG series where they decided to get rid of the story and dungeons for lame side quests.

Your reward for completing the game is being able to play as EVERY character in it! Including the bosses and minor enemies!

10/10 for that ALONE, who gives a fuck if it has flaws. It had BALLS.

Trouble Man is my favorite MUGEN character

the visual effect for the proton cannon is so goddamn satisfying that it's an instant 10/10 for that alone

The Sega Genesis is my favorite console. There was a point in time where I downloaded a full romset, filtered out games I recognized, and put a timer to try every game out for at least 20 minutes. Any highlights would go onto my flashcart after the fact.

This game filled me with hope. I really liked the intro; the character animation and design is right up my alley. I was so stoked!
I reset the emulator, went through the intro a second time, recorded it to send to my friends, and said something like "Have you ever instantly fell in love?"

Then I played the game.

I stopped the timer at four minutes.

I left with such a bitter taste in my mouth that I didn't play any Genesis games... or videogames at all, for the next three days.

I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a videogame in my entire life. If the intro just fucking sucked out of the gate, it would've at least been funny.
This just made me sad.

almost anybody who complains about this game is a guaranteed redditor. its actually fun

i technically could keep playing this forever but would that really serve me any more enjoyment than individually plucking my scrotum hairs one by one?