Super cute game! I should play it with a friend sometime

This game felt like it was going to fall apart at the seams at every turn

It's good and fun, the wirebug mechanic is incredibly fun to play with, but I can't shake the feeling that something is lost in translation from World to this. Maybe it's all in my head

My second, first MH game! I was futzing through 4U and not really getting it, but only after playing World did it all click. MHW is fucking gorgeous and plays like a dream. I used to be mixed on the forced lobby joining thing, but when I think about it, it's for the best. When I play MHGU or MH4U I'm not joining some other bastard's lobby unless I really need to

Technically better than MH4U, which kills me because I loved that game's story and novelty. But this game just plain plays better and is in HD

My first MH game! This game fucking rules!!

I own the sequel, but I dread playing it so much because I am a coward

Man it's not even the worst Megaman game, it's just the product of the world's shittiest kickstarter campaign ran by a shady bastard

I liked it, it was very good. I know that metroidvanias (or just "metroids") are supposed to use powerups as keys to progress further into the game, but in Dread, they really do feel like keys in a bad way. Like most of them unlock doors.

The map is more sensibly laid out than ZX, but all the mechaniloid forms are insanely situational. It hardly matters though since you can just get the old biometals on top of them.