It's exactly what you'd expect, honestly. Solid DS title

No idea what the UI experience is anywhere else, but it was abysmal on the Nintendo Switch.

I couldn't get hooked on the plot either. Characters weren't very interesting, and I didn't really feel immersed in the world.

It's a shame, because I did enjoy the art style and battle system.

Love this game more than words can describe. This is how remakes should feel.

The narrative was such a letdown. The art direction was fabulous, the music was beautiful (Yasunori Nishiki is now one of my favorite composers!), and the gameplay was engaging. But... man I just couldn't get on board with how fragmented the story was told. I understand why the writers opted to craft an "open" story where players could choose any of the eight character paths, and navigate to others at their own whim and leisure. However, the lack of actual plot direction and meaningful character interaction makes it difficult to feel immersed in the world and characters.

fucking awesome. character interactions/dynamics/arcs off the charts. gameplay was good enough for someone who couldn’t wrap their head around all of the mechanics.

If you've never played an Animal Crossing game before, it's a real blast. If you have? You won't feel the magic you felt before.

The first month or two of release for this game was exciting - coronavirus put the world in quarantine and there was nothing that screamed "escapism" more than playing a little game where you run an island full of adorable animals. That being said, I've never gotten tired of an Animal Crossing game so quickly. Compared to New Leaf, this game felt half baked. There was definitely some attention to older players' desires (the designs system, terraforming, etc.) but enjoyment is butchered by the sheer lack of personality. The islanders have the same 3-4 lines, the Nooklings never get their shop upgraded after the first time, and there's a glaring lack of furniture options even to this day.

2.0 is the last update, is it not? That's a shame.

If the DS Pokemon games weren't absolutely stellar, I would say FFC was the best monster-taming game of the console

A satisfying reboot (sequel?) to Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo 64. I love the style of the game and how alive everything felt.

I really wanted to like this one, but despite its quirks it is greatly outclassed by other games of its genre (namely Monster Hunter)

Great comfort game. Love the guy.

This game definitely has some of the charm that Bravely Default and Bravely Second curated and maintained. Revo returns with a stunning original soundtrack that even pays some homage to the original game! The art is well-done all things considered, and the story is compelling enough (though, don't go into it looking for some crazy meta title screen bit lol).

Unfortunately, I can't say this game was that much better than its two predecessors. The battle system, while improved over the course of multiple demos, just didn't feel the same. The layout and turn execution rendered most Brave/Default mechanisms (that excelled in the previous games) more or less defunct. Despite the music and atmosphere remaining familiar, the game itself just felt ... not very "Bravely." At times I felt I was playing some tangentially-similar game, like Octopath, and not an actual Bravely game.

Don't go into this game expecting a deep world with detailed lore and backstories. There are other visual novels for that. This game was made to give people a nice warm feeling and a sense of familiarity.

That being said, this was a lovely kinetic novel about four girls who play baseball, and how their identities and personalities intersect with each other and play into other parts of their lives. It is a love letter to young lesbians and bisexual girls of all backgrounds, and a beautiful one at that.

(I have played both games, and I will be using the same review for them both)

One of the franchise's first big experimental leap in story and design. And one of its most notably successful.

Truly a standout game in the Pokemon series, and a well-needed breather at its time. With memorable character design, an intriguing plot, and a Dex with arguably the most personality-filled Pokemon, Pokemon Black and Pokemon White are still a joy to play to this day.

Solid, but wasn't my type of game. Good 3DS gem if you're looking for one