Need a partner like Clarissa that will encourage me to live up to my full potential(smashing into every car on the street)

The best smoking PSA ever made

I wanna know what they were smoking when they decided to put fall damage in this game. When you jump from a completely innocuous height and land safely on the ground only to immediately die it's a brilliant shitposty moment and it's just awful.

By continuing to play this, I have proven to myself that I will actually play anything with (good) Marvel characters. Except Fortnite

Takes Genji from Overwatch's dash reset mechanic and builds a twin stick shooter around it. The routing and micropositioning decisions the game revolves around are fairly simple, but the fast paced nature of stringing dash attacks together mixed with the constantly ticking down health bar and the bullet dodging makes this game a pretty exhilarating 15 minutes. Pretty neat game jam game, would be cool if it got a full game to flesh it out further

All these years later and AoE2 still fucks, who could have guessed(me)

Simons Says with skinner boxes. I've played worse time wasters, but that's all this is. Got nice if a bit generic pixel art tho

There's an alternate universe where instead of the MCU we got a video game shared Marvel universe that made more liberal use of the source material's wackier(read: cooler) aspects, which is what this game is in my imagination


Gonna admit up front that I have a ton of nostalgia for this game that probably clouds my judgment on it a bit, but I still believe this to be one of the better Mario games out there. The amount of creativity present in each level is ridiculous, with both unique level themes and interesting spins on standard level themes. While it doesn't have the most mechanically interesting levels in any Mario game, though it isn't too far off, it's able to consistently provide varying challenges and twists that keep levels interesting throughout. It's a real shame that Nintendo has never revisited most of the ideas in this game, because there is a lot of mileage to get out of them.

One day this game will be remembered as the progenitor of the legendary Fishing x Bullet Hell genre, but until then it's just a cute little browser game with some good ideas that's pretty easy to solve

A cute Donkey Kong clone with a decent twist on the formula. Pretty fun but nothing special

Wants to be Max Payne meets Hotline Miami but takes their worst qualities. Manages to capture the excitement of HM's split second lethal decisionmaking, but it lacks the strategic aspects, essentially turning it into "trial and error memorize which enemies are around the corner" style gameplay except you can get fucked over by RNG. Still, it's free and sometimes enjoyable so it's not that bad

A window into what 3D platformers might've looked like if the the trailblazing giants of the genre had, instead of being Super Mario 64, been something taking more inspiration from the likes of Mega Man and Contra. A blend of bullet dodging and platforming that 3D platformers just haven't been able to pull off to the same degree that 2D ones have until now, with some great bosses rounding out the gameplay. Carries with it the same kind of simple charm that a lot of the classics of the eras it takes inspiration from had, packaged in tightly designed bite sized levels.

TheDawn is one of those amateurish games where I can't really recommend very highly, but I can't rail on it too hard either. It is extremely rough around the edges, being a game centered around landing skillshots, with only headshots dealing damage, with enemy hitboxes being smaller than they look making the hit detection kinda jank at times. Put together with the fact that enemies can deplete your health incredibly quickly can make the game pretty tedious at times. However once you get used to it the game can become pretty fun making decisions, trying to balance lining up shots, repositioning and managing threats. That's all the game really has going for it, but considering it's a short, free games from (I assume, I can't find anything to suggest otherwise) new developers I can't ask for much more