There's like nothing really going on until maybe chapter 6 or 7 (11 chapters in total) and even then the gameplay is super repetitive and just not fun. Voice acting in this game is a joke. There are some cool cutscenes here and there though.

just watch the cutscenes on YT or something

this is still dogshit. How did this season release in January and 1/3 thru the game there's no music or voice acting anymore. Bruh I'm sorry it should not take 6 months to add music in this game lol They literally just loop the same track over and over in season 1 and they did the same thing in season 2 but for some reason couldn't make sure it was like that for the whole game? Also, no sound effects or VA after like a couple of hours of playing. How lazy is this shit?

Again, the MC in this game is a fucking moron, and it's a boner killer. The story is dogshit and the writing is just cringe. Call me a hater whatever, I just think this game fucking sucks.

Again, Animations do be fire though.

The MC is a fucking moron. This game fucking blows. Don't play this garbage...

At least the animations are fire. That's pretty much it