I pressed a button and everyone died.

Very much lacking in content, but if you can score it in a game bundle, you'll probably enjoy it if you liked V.

Absolute trash without mods; absolute gold with mods.

The nanosecond this dropped on Steam I bought it. I remember playing this game over and over again back on GameCube with its plethora of cheats. It's not perfect, but for an RTS game on console that lets you play as toys, it's damn fine.

Going from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 to PC over the course of damn near a decade was a truly magical experience. This is a game that I can endlessly come back to and its breath of content is ridiculous.


I still have my original save file on the old laptop I played this on back in 2015. To this day, I have refused to uninstall the game as to ensure this digital world remains peaceful and happy.

The multiplayer for this game was soooooooooo good back in the day, and now it's gone forever. Truly one of gaming's greatest tragedies.

I have never regretted buying a physical game more.

Easily the best jokes in the series and Telltale's final hurrah before declining into bankruptcy.

Oh my lord, I cannot adequately explain my hatred of this game's Twitch streaming antagonists.

Crane is the best example of a boring, personality-less cisgender, White protagonist that I can think of. This game would have been leagues better with literally anyone else as its protagonist. Despite this, this game is fun as hell and it has the best parkour I've played in a game. In other words, it's a Techland game.

MONTANA nationalism made this worth the play. If it weren't set in Montana, I wouldn't have cared in the slightest bit.