The platforming kinda sucks, but there are way too many neat, funny, and rewarding design decisions for me not to love it. Great music too. Asha my beloved.

Was impressed that this held up so well to the original with an IR setup. Bless the Round1s that have this.

I got a blister on my hand from one play session. IRL uzis probably hurt less to shoot than these things?

Once I saw Jontron at a Barcade in NYC. I couldn't tell if it was him, but he was with someone and I didn't want to bother him if it was and didn't want to look stupid if it wasn't. When we got home, he posted a pic to his twitter of this game, at Barcade! It was him! That's my "I saw a celebrity once" story. Then it turned out he's a weirdo. Now it's annoying to think about.

This game is also annoying to think about.

The little bit of campaign I played was a bit of an 00's FPS campaign slog, but MAN was the multiplayer real fuckin good.


full star for hacking as the cheat code menu

One time I played this with a friend. We had a dude on a horse, and you could have a camera follow behind them with some limited control. Somehow we got the guy to go way faster than the expected limit, and then we pointed him at the forest, where he went beyond the map boundary and clipped through trees for like a minute straight before he looped back around to the actual map. My friend and I almost fell off our chairs laughing.

This game sucked, but I still chase that high trying to bend rules.

I never cared about the races because the whole bricks being laid around levels was such a cool concept to me. Now I want a game that's entirely that, but with real sim cars. Is that too much to ask?


Hey, you know what you can't clip out of bounds in? PowerPoint presentations. QED, third dimension

I've been uber-wary of entering stalemates for 25 years because I did one when my sound was up too high and the game jumpscared me.

the game told me to turn off the game, so I turned off the game

Deserves a knock down for some bullshit red pop-ups, but I just can't. One of the only games I can play over and over to the point that I enjoy speedrunning it.

Wildly impossible quarter-muncher. But like, look how they animated that fuckin T-Rex! Chomp! big boy! Thing scared the bejeezus out of me at Chuck E Cheese, I can't not love this game.

Hey guys, I got this for free! This game doesn't seem so bad, why is everyone - oh. oh no.

Killed my interest in the series. Lack of direction for the characters and who they could support with turned them all into stat blobs with one personality trait to write around for a ton of the conversations, leading to little to no development in supports save for a few exceptions. Pair up system was completely broken. Open map is a mistake for this series. All this turned out to be insanely popular for some reason, so they made the next game like this, to my chagrin.

I get why it sold itself out to the rest of the horny JRPG crowd, and at least the series is still here. But I'll never forget it.