The GOAT of arcade racers. It was all downhill from here.

I played this so much when I was younger. Now that I'm older, wiser and far more miserable I honestly just can't see what I liked so much in this game

Maybe it hasn't aged well, or maybe it's just that Bethesda's formula had become obvious to me over the years and this game was the beginning of Bethesda's painful mediocrity

Tried to like this one but I also quit at the same point. I respect the new directors for trying to differ itself from DS1, but it also never really goes all the way with it. For every new thing they set out to do, they also just have a BTEC Ornstein show up reminding you that Dark Souls 1 existed and was a great game

The game is just awful to play. Some of the worst level design, encounters, bosses and NPCs in the entire series.

Game is fantastic so far, with one of the better story modes to come out of a fighting game in awhile with great gameplay overall. What's stopping it from being higher than 4 stars is the balance nightmare that's going on at the moment and the disappointing handling of the Tekken shop.

First of all, Tekken 8 was designed to be a more aggressive game right from the outset. This is fine; more aggression can be quite fun and can at times make for a more interesting viewing experience at Evo. But in doing this, they heavily neutered the neutral game and strategy that Tekken is known for. Playing on the defence is incredibly difficult in Tekken 8, with the preferred strategy is to just rundown your opponent with 50-50s mixups and frame-traps.

This oddly makes Tekken 8 both easier and harder to play than other instalments. Aggro players are heavily rewarded, whilst it often feels like you can get punished for playing defensive in Tekken 8. Don't get me wrong; you can still play the neutral and defence in Tekken 8, but it doesn't feel as rewarding this time around, taking away a bit of strategy from the game.

Secondly, I accept that to fund a game like Tekken 8 for nearly a decade is going to cost them a lot of money, so naturally a cosmetic shop is needed. That's fine, but launching it a month after the game had been out so it wouldn't affect reviews is a bit scummy. If what I've seen is true, buying these cosmetics can actually ruin your save file as well. Jokes.

It's been years and I was disappointed to see that the developers are still using the goofy Unity zombie models for the ghosts.

Come on, man. This game has made millions. You can't hire anyone who can actually put the horror in the horror game?

Apart from that disappointment, this game has changed at a snails pace. It's still the same fairly uneventful gameplay loop of walking around a house and trying to pry a ghost into giving you evidence, just with more difficulty and occasionally more frustration.

I really liked this game when it came out because it's built on such an amazing idea, but they've not done a whole lot with it, leading to the game just being a bit shallow and boring.

Despite how actually terrible the Keihin gang is, tailing missions are, half-baked detective parts and wonky combat until you get attack speed upgrades, this game is genuinely one of my favourites if not my favourite in the whole series. The story is just incredible, with personal stakes and a grand conspiracy that all just has an amazing payoff.

Great fighting game that was absolutely terrible to play on PC due to no crossplay, plugging and shoddy netcode.

People are a bit nostalgic for T7 at the moment, since launch T8 balancing is a nightmare and every character is just blowing each other up with plus frames but I think people have forgotten how much of mess T7 was at times and how terrible the balancing was also in this game lol

DLC characters consistently taking over tournaments? Sick mate. Entire seasons where one launcher pretty much guaranteed 70% of your health and a lost round? Go on then

Dangerously close to being peak Soulsbourne

Pretty good game. It does lack a lot of the humour and charm the original had, but it has its moments and I don't really mind the modern tone of the RE games these days. Game is rated 4 on its combat alone, the moment to moment gameplay in this is just incredible, taking the action from OG RE4 and just ramping it up to incredible heights.

I consistently had audible reactions when I roundhouse kicked hordes of enemies and blew them up with explosives. I must be autistic

One of the greatest 'souls-like' games to come out, although I'd argue Nioh 2 has more of its own identity and has more in common with ARPGs like Diablo.

The games combat is fast, highly skill expressive and gives you so many options to handle enemies. Anybody who doesn't like it is a filtered Souls baby who can't fathom when combat systems are more than just rolling and hitting

The Great Filter. This is where new Yakuza fans either persist or die.

Game definitely has problems, but the worst in the series? Absolutely not.

Game is too damn good. It's all the lessons they learnt from Yakuza 1 to 5 nearly perfected on the old engine. Story is consistently interesting and is fantastically paced despite how long the game is, multi-protagonists done right, villains are mostly interesting and the game just oozes charm that I don't think any other game in the series has replicated since. There's a reason why Yakuza 0 spawned all the memes you see these days.

Tried to like it since I've got a few mates that play this but it's actually just a terrible game. It's CS:GO for people who just don't seem to get it, e-daters or disgusting zoomers like myself.

Gunplay? No. Maps? Nothing will be as iconic as Dust 2. The maps are inoffensive at best and absolutely miserable to play on at worst. Movement? Also terrible. The admittedly interesting part of the game which is the characters and abilities actually end up negatively contributing to the whole thing. Far too many unenjoyable interactions and far too many times in this game where you'll die and feel like you got robbed.

Fuck this game. Fuck the people that insist that it's good and fuck the Riot Games pipeline

Tarkov is a game I like the idea of more than actually playing it. The developers and some of the community like to constantly remind you that Tarkov is a super hardcore game bro where every death is your fault, only for you to die to some of the worst desync ever seen in a shooter and die to players the game literally refused to render.

Imagine that. Imagine if another shooter had a bug where a player model or his sounds didn't render in, so it looked like your character just randomly died. People would be outraged and the game would be quickly fixed, but in Tarkov this shit persisted for weeks, maybe even months unless my memory is terrible.

Tarkov is an ambitious game, and BSG have proven time and time again that they've bitten off more than they can chew. They are terrible developers. For every step forward they take, they also just take multiple steps back whether it's through poorly thought out decisions, terrible implementation or new problems being introduced that don't get fixed for a long time. The fact that Arena launched in the state that it did and was designed the way it did just proves to me that these developers do not play their own games.

All of this for the game to constantly disrespect your time, too. I often forget, but I'm an adult. I don't have time to be constantly navigating poorly designed menus, I don't have time waiting over 4 minutes for most raids to load and I certainly don't have time to play this game every single day so I can actually enjoy a wipe and keep up with people who refuse to turn the game off