4 Reviews liked by LatterTarget

An Artistic Masterpiece.
Breath of the Wild is the most enjoyable Open World videogame I have ever had the pleasure of playing, its world is just so fun to explore, at this point I've played the game for hundreds of hours and I enjoyed every single second of it.

It's a very rewarding experience, and the world is very dynamic and absolutely massive with so many secrets and details, everything works as intended, which results in a masterfully crafted world full of life.

Finding shrines, doing puzzles, clearing camps and endlessly exploring the lands always feels fresh, there's a good amount of content within this game, and despite its repetitive nature, the game never actually gets repetitive.

As for the combat, it's decent, it might feel clunky at first but everything gets better once you get used to the controls, and the weapon durability system is actually necessary, the game forces you to explore and collect random unique weapons than just using 1 weapon all the time, and personally I find it pretty clever.

When it comes to the physics, I have to say... oh my freaking god, the attention to detail is groundbreaking, and the way every little thing coexists and interacts with each other is absolutely revolutionary. There has never been another game that has so much attention to detail and insane physics that are a vital part of the gameplay, in a way, this entire game feels like an amusement park where you can do everything you wish to do, for example: you can freeze and enemy like an ice cube, you can stop an enemy from throwing a rock, you can make them throw their weapons and pick it up youself, objects made of wood get set on fire quickly and melt, you can blow air on a raft and guide it to go to a certain direction, you can bake cooking ingredients by throwing them in the fire, you can cut down a tree and walk on top of it to go to the other side, you can get struck by lightning if you're under a tree or hold weapons made of metallic parts, holding a torch warms you up in the cold areas, staying in the shadows cools you down in the desert... and so much more, literally everything you can imagine, and wow, just wow... this game genuinely left me speechless and surprised me for the most part, I have never explored a world so alive ever before.

There are so many things you can do, so many ways to interact with the world, use the environment as a tool or a weapon, play around with the Runes, solve puzzles in very creative ways and so much more. This game makes you think outside of the game, it treats the player as a smart person and gives you time to think before you act.

The only issue I have with the game is the lack of enemy variety and re-skinned boss fights, for a world as big as this, you'd expect a large variety of monsters to roam around but that's not the case unfortunately.

Breath of the Wild is a revolutionary game, a classic that changed the Open World formula forever, which inspired many other games to follow its steps. All I can say is that this is one of the best videogames ever created, pure joy from beginning to end, what a beautiful and special videogame.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

The first exprience playing this game is unlike any other. It's very easy to get into, and very addicting to complete. It's story is great, but told in a order that really ruins the dystopian feel it was trying to achieve.

“A Boring RPG-maker Title”

I was suggested to play this game by my girlfriend, who loved it when she played it in middle school. As someone that never really played many RPG-maker titles, I was skeptical of the fun I would have considering their gameplay mechanics are limited in nature. A compelling plot with both quality writing and likable characters is necessary for me with these kinds of games, and pacing is what ties it all together to make it bearable (similar to my needs for point-n-click games). While “Mermaid Swamp” was an interesting and original setting for a horror title, my time with it ended far sooner than I had hoped due to the poor pacing of the story and lackluster cast of characters. It was a creepy experience with some pretty decent writing, but I just felt like it went by so slowly that it became unenjoyable.

The game starts out creepy/interesting enough: a group of friends find themselves stranded in an unknown swamp, and a lonely resident takes them in. However, weird things start to happen as they disappear one by one, and another gets sick with some strange condition. The setting was a highlight, as the isolated swamp house gave a good aesthetic for the mystery and suspense. The music is repetitive but fine overall. Gameplay is normal for RPG-maker titles, with basic functions to move and interact with people/objects. The horror is a mixture of jump-scares and suspense horror, though I felt that the game was always towing the line between being too light on story or too light on horror (never a good balance of the two).

The puzzles weren’t very strong nor compelling, and I found myself wandering around trying to figure out what to do next more often than not. It started feeling like plot points were becoming increasingly drawn out, and instead of moving gameplay along quickly in order to compensate, things became slower and more confusing. The issue lies in that if you wander around looking for something to do, and NOTHING else pops up as a side activity, then the game screeches to a halt and becomes boring. This is exactly what happened right as the plot started to get interesting with its horror and mystery themes, and it rubbed me the wrong way. Why waste my time with stretching out a plot line instead of keeping the energy and intrigue up?

I quit playing this one before what I believed was the halfway point. The puzzles/other gameplay aspects weren’t that fun to interact with, and the story wasn’t captivating enough to keep me interested. The pacing had slowed down to a crawl, and the game wasn’t scary enough to at least keep me around for any creepy moments. I would Not Recommend this one since it's a pretty basic RPG in terms of puzzles and is weak in other gameplay aspects, and the story could be both more interesting and scarier.

Final Verdict: 3/10 (Poor)



Really fucking excellent story with mid as hell gameplay. So to start off, Off is an excellent commentary on player choice, chosen one archetypes, NPCs in video games, as well as just what it means to beat a game. Though on the same time the game itself is... iffey with how it's designed. Like, the combat is kinda sluggish, the puzzles can be a bit of a chore, but despite all that though i can't reccommend the game enough because of just how amazing it's story is. It even influenced Undertale if that helps you consider your decision.