The world was better when this didn't exist.

Most fanserviced game of the saga and feels really rushed at the end.

The same opinion as everyone, really cool concept, but not the best execution. The selling mechanic gets repetitive and even annoying, the combat is good although sometimes it can feel primitive, the art is really beautiful and I've got nothing to object about it and the calendar system feels almost pointless given how it has no impact on lore or anything besides the shop. NPCs are purely decorative too, just repetitive dialogues.

Simply a masterpiece. The gameplay has its flaws, but it was an innovative piece on the series. Very well placed characters, a solid storytelling and only leaves open the things that should be left open.

Este juego es a aria of sorrow lo que la que se avecina a aquí no hay quien viva

lo juegan señores de 40 años que te queman la casa si les tiras el gimnasio

this happened to me last wednesday

Un remake cojonudo de un juego cojonudo la verdad y si no te gusta el remake te viene con el juego original incluido de gratis

No recordaba este juego tan frustrante, pero la verdad es que aún así es muy divertido


Kind of fun and synthwave/outrun themes always captivate me but the progression system sucks