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1 day

Last played

October 11, 2021

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Started alright but really did not care for it the longer it went on. For the most part I thought the story and characters were fine if unremarkable, and it’s not a very lengthy JRPG at least. But it still dragged so much at times that I really wanted to be done with it by the end.

The combat system is fun but has shortcomings, particularly with the bosses who mostly felt like tedious damage sponges. This also extended to the normal enemies who got big HP spikes eventually. Maybe I was too underleveled, but didn’t really have the patience to grind more.

The dungeons themselves were also pretty monotonous (especially that absolutely awful final one), and the side quests were bog-standard. The music wasn’t particularly memorable to me either, but the voice acting was solid enough.

The visuals and presentation did stand out though. Environments and cutscenes looked good, and liked how polished all the flashy animations in combat were.