Sequel that changes little from the previous rail shooter. A bit more variety in visuals and how you move around certain levels but has the same fairly dull enemy design. It feels like your weapon is a bit more effective and enemies take longer most of the time to start doing damage but that start to get ruined in the last 1/3 due to sheer numbers of enemies and different angles you are attacked from. After the final boss you get 30 seconds to stop self destruct and will almost certainly get an instant game over if you don't already know what is coming or didn't die on purpose to get your bomb weapon back.


A fairly short Operation Wolf style rail shooter. For 1990 some good destruction and scrolling effects and the brief story has some funny moments between stages. Your weapon fires full auto without a need to reload and you can launch a rocket that destroys everything on the screen and stops attacks at you but that will also hit civilians and lose you health if they are around. Good music. You probably won't have died that much by the end but it also isn't much of a fair challenge as the number of enemies on the screen combined with the amount of hits things take and the somewhat slow rate of fire your automatic weapon shoots at can make it extremely difficult to avoid damage, even more so during parts where multiple enemies appear at the same time and you would just need to know which shoots first to avoid taking hits.


A poor lightgun horror game with some brief entertaining bloody moments. At around 45 minutes it overstays its welcome, mostly by dragging every situation or area out longer than it has to. Some very cheap enemy design as well as placement of civilians that if you hit will lose you health. Mostly dull powerups as you already basically have a shotgun and the pickups tend to have you firing the same kind of shot but doing more damage or with some minor effect differences. A later stage has an instant game over state if you miss finding some items or don't use them in the correct order at a door leading to the final boss.


Front Mission 1st comes to modern platforms with a simple but good visual upgrade and the features of the two former remakes intact while maintaining the original odd mechanics that made the later games better.

This is the third remake of the original Front Mission that keeps the former remakes added gameplay elements while adding new game plus and more difficulty options while making changes to the visuals, camera control, and UI. The 2003 Playstation remake of the original SNES game added the second campaign that plays like one of the later Front Mission titles with each character that joins you having more characterization and more conversations between missions, more chances to talk with your squad members, more air and vehicle enemies to fight, gives more characterization to people you meet or fight in the main campaign, involves some characters from the then upcoming Front Mission 4, and is the stronger campaign in general despite being a bit shorter. The DS remake added some Front Mission 2 and Front Mission 5 cameos, equipable parts from later games in the series, and nine secret missions across both campaigns. The only thing I noticed missing here was that in the final after credit scene of the main scenario only the main story pilots show up at the end, with none of the side characters and one slightly main not appearing with a line or two like they do in the other versions of the game, odd thing to remove but not a big loss since they had almost no personality or scenes and never showed up in the next four games.

The gameplay is a fairly simple turn based mech game where each character pilots a Wanzer which has a has a body, left and right arm, and leg part with the arms able to equip both a handheld or built in weapon and a shoulder mounted missile launcher or shield that you can use to add to your defense when you are unable to attack or if you decide to defend instead of counterattacking. Pilots rank up their skills in short, long, melee, and dodge from 1-9,999 with them becoming more accurate (or better at avoiding) and doing more damage (never found anything that knew what exact calculations are) every time they are attacked or use a weapon type with them getting more experience when they destroy a body part. Destroying the body destroys the Wanzer, arms disable weapons equipped to it, and legs can reduce movement speed (and maybe reduce dodge, people didn't seem sure or how much). Every pilot has a certain weapon experience level where once they reach a certain point, that is different per character, they can learn a skill once they raise their main level (levels only add very small amounts of XP to every skill and unlock a skill if you reached the requisite).

Short ranged weapons give you duel where you are forced to use the skill every time and can choose a body part for all your shots or your one shot to aim at with a severe to no accuracy penalty depending on the skill level, switch allows you a chance to attack with your off hand weapon if they are both short ranged after your first attack and can chain multiple times while also allowing you to switch your duel target, and speed adds to the number of bullets you can fire. Melee gives you first that allows you to attack before an enemy when otherwise melee attackers go last, stun that can stun an enemy both stopping their attack if it goes off before they attack and stunning them on the map screen if other units attack them but with a chance they can wake up, and double which works like switch but with two melee weapons. Long range experience can unlock guide which works like the short range duel skill. These skills mean that short is significantly better than everything else just by the massive amounts of damage you can do, and means that typically the SMG style weapons are a much better choice than rifles or shotguns once you unlock speed (even more so since the weapons don't actually behave differently in Front Mission 1 even all having the same 1 tile range). Long is more of a weapon type just to have to weaken enemies and missile launchers run out of ammo. Close is good in the early game but massively falls of due to skills leading to a damage drop when compared to short weapons and the game just seemed to forget to add new melee weapons to the game for some time while all other weapons are getting multiple upgrades. You have no way of knowing but some pilots just can't unlock certain skills making some much worse choices than others. Once you get a skill raising its level from 1 to 3 is random and has a chance of happening when the skill is used. So when you first unlock duel and have a 50% accuracy drop you want that to level up quickly and that might rank up in one use or it might rank up after 100 uses. There is also some UI issues with the game where you just aren't always given information that you really want to know, like the damage status of units being attacked and enemy status when they are attacking you and what weapon is where on their mech before you switch to the combat screen after choosing your weapon or defense options (this was still also a problem in Front Mission 2).

It's a system that all works well enough but gives more options in future games with a few of them somewhat showing up in the second campaign that has things like a few rifles that can be used at a distance.

Outside of combat you can make use of an arena to gain money or experience, talk to a few characters at a bar in each town, buy new parts for your units (with new parts coming at an annoyingly fast rate in the main campaign, even worse when you are upgrading more total units and constantly running out of money unless you use the arena). There is a variety of different looking styles and even legs parts that handle movement differently but so many of them are just statistically worse options and the leg parts don't make a huge difference with certain movements types not being seen much or not being given as many upgrades to make them that viable. The second campaign adds the ability to speak to your squad members while in towns or at bases and that give them all a bit more personality that would be found in the later games in the series. The stories set up elements of later events and some of the themes and atmosphere of later games but there is not a huge amount of plot yet, especially not in the primary campaign where moments that should have a bigger impact or often quickly gotten through.

The remake also adds a great looking tactical map view you can switch to that could be used as the main UI for an entire type of game, while also serving absolutely no real purpose in this game and not allowing you to move units on it even though everything about it seems to have been made for it.

Front Mission is decent game with a good soundtrack and unique art style that adds a lot of personality and that all lead to more interesting and better titles that expanded on what this game started in the future (even the SNES spin-off Front Mission Gun Hazard is one of the best games on the platform) and if you are going to get into the series you might as well start here.


Vertical shoot em up. Good music, colorful. You can charge up three kinds of shot types by collecting powerups, gain two satellite weapons that follow you around, and can collect bombs that detonate in fairly small area around you. Nothing too interesting but a solid 20 minute playthrough.

Some likable characters and funny moments but a lack of choices that matter apart from getting people infected, lack of an ending that gives characters closure, and ends up not knowing what to do with most of the cast by the halfway point.

A group of camp counselor are stuck in the area for one extra night after everyone else goes home and sees them facing off against a strange family of hunters and werewolves with some nods to 80s horror films. For the most part has a likable cast where even characters that aren't often portrayed in the best light get a moment or two to humanize them a bit. There are some funny moments, and the whole things feels like it has a bigger budget and more effort than the studio's Dark Picture series.

On one hand you can get everyone infected by werewolves and that can cause changes based on when they get infected or if and how they might get cured and where a character might end up at certain points of the story, which is great, but in focusing on that there is a lack of choices and interactions that tend to matter and the survival or infection of character is typically just coming down to whether or not you hit or missed a QTE event as opposed to finding items, a build up of choices over time, or how the relationships between characters grow or change based on things you do or say. It does the Telltale style "this character respects this," "this character is disappointed," "this character is excited over this," etc and I'm pretty sure there is only one time where any of that ends up meaning anything and it pretty much amounts to did you upset the guy by shooting him or not which is a bit more obvious than the guy you will never see again being sad that you eavesdropped on his phone call.

Actually has a character you meet in between chapter that serves as a kind of narrator and confidant to the player that actually has a role in the story and tries to influence your decisions to the path she wants as opposed to the Robert Patrick looking curator of The Dark Pictures games who contributes nothing but wasted time as far as I can tell from the ones I've played. Lance Henriksen had no reason to be in the game, as his character says almost nothing and does even less. Jedediah could have been played by anyone or removed from the game entirely with no effect. The entire Hackett family, save for one member, all could have used more time in the game, more so for the ones you could have met in camp earlier on.

The ending sections of the game lack any real excitement or extended action for this type of story and it all ends too abruptly, ending the threat with no closure. Even the playable cast is half full of characters who just fall out of the story halfway through the game and contribute nothing. Even some of the more main characters end up not doing anything that really matters in the last two or three chapters. There's really a feel of, "oh you didn't fail the QTEs and get people killed or infected and written out of the game, well then I guess they just wait in the basement, sit in the woods for the last 1/3 of the game and do nothing, follow another character around and contribute nothing." For some reason the game has no wrap up ending. Based on some very specific choices or letting certain people die you might get a kind of ending for two sets of characters but most people won't as those achievements both seemed to have around a 1% and 3.5% unlock percentage. If characters had multiple sections or backstory worried about what they will do with their lives next, family problems, wanting to save their infected boyfriend, relationship issues or choices none of that is getting solved or mentioned again. It's like if Die Hard immediately cut to credits as Hans Gruber was falling and you never had the scene where you got to see Officer Carl Winslow get over his holdup over using a gun again after accidentally killing a child by shooting the last gunman, allowing him to move on and continue his life as proper cop away from deskwork with a new mentality that will allow him to kill more kids with toy guns in the future. Except in The Quarry, there are like 5-8 people who probably could have used a bit of an epilogue based on your choices who never get any kind of choice made or character growth from their backstory. That might work in a horror movie where the entire cast is dead except one, two, or a very rare three people by the end but when there isn't much reason for anyone to die and even getting someone turned into a werewolf might just save them by the end it doesn't work well.

The developers are clearly intentionally designing their games to have no respect for their players. The Dark Pictures series was bad enough in that you can't skip scenes or conversations that you have seen before but The Quarry does not give you a chapter select until you beat the game, autosaves immediately after everything you do, gives you one save file while not even allowing you to go back to a previous chapter after you beat the game on a new file like the Dark Pictures games do but instead erasing everything that comes after, and going back to previous chapters wipes out your collectibles to the extent that even the achievements don't keep track of what you found. Then there is the ridiculously slow movement speed of characters and camera issues. There is no excuse for this with this being the fifth game they had made exactly in this same style.


Some likable characters and funny moments but a lack of choices that matter apart from getting people infected, lack of an ending that gives characters closure, and ends up not knowing what to do with most of the cast by the halfway point.

A group of camp counselor are stuck in the area for one extra night after everyone else goes home and sees them facing off against a strange family of hunters and werewolves with some nods to 80s horror films. For the most part has a likable cast where even characters that aren't often portrayed in the best light get a moment or two to humanize them a bit. There are some funny moments, and the whole things feels like it has a bigger budget and more effort than the studio's Dark Picture series.

On one hand you can get everyone infected by werewolves and that can cause changes based on when they get infected or if and how they might get cured and where a character might end up at certain points of the story, which is great, but in focusing on that there is a lack of choices and interactions that tend to matter and the survival or infection of character is typically just coming down to whether or not you hit or missed a QTE event as opposed to finding items, a build up of choices over time, or how the relationships between characters grow or change based on things you do or say. It does the Telltale style "this character respects this," "this character is disappointed," "this character is excited over this," etc and I'm pretty sure there is only one time where any of that ends up meaning anything and it pretty much amounts to did you upset the guy by shooting him or not which is a bit more obvious than the guy you will never see again being sad that you eavesdropped on his phone call.

Actually has a character you meet in between chapter that serves as a kind of narrator and confidant to the player that actually has a role in the story and tries to influence your decisions to the path she wants as opposed to the Robert Patrick looking curator of The Dark Pictures games who contributes nothing but wasted time as far as I can tell from the ones I've played. Lance Henriksen had no reason to be in the game, as his character says almost nothing and does even less. Jedediah could have been played by anyone or removed from the game entirely with no effect. The entire Hackett family, save for one member, all could have used more time in the game, more so for the ones you could have met in camp earlier on.

The ending sections of the game lack any real excitement or extended action for this type of story and it all ends too abruptly, ending the threat with no closure. Even the playable cast is half full of characters who just fall out of the story halfway through the game and contribute nothing. Even some of the more main characters end up not doing anything that really matters in the last two or three chapters. There's really a feel of, "oh you didn't fail the QTEs and get people killed or infected and written out of the game, well then I guess they just wait in the basement, sit in the woods for the last 1/3 of the game and do nothing, follow another character around and contribute nothing." For some reason the game has no wrap up ending. Based on some very specific choices or letting certain people die you might get a kind of ending for two sets of characters but most people won't as those achievements both seemed to have around a 1% and 3.5% unlock percentage. If characters had multiple sections or backstory worried about what they will do with their lives next, family problems, wanting to save their infected boyfriend, relationship issues or choices none of that is getting solved or mentioned again. It's like if Die Hard immediately cut to credits as Hans Gruber was falling and you never had the scene where you got to see Officer Carl Winslow get over his holdup over using a gun again after accidentally killing a child by shooting the last gunman, allowing him to move on and continue his life as proper cop away from deskwork with a new mentality that will allow him to kill more kids with toy guns in the future. Except in The Quarry, there are like 5-8 people who probably could have used a bit of an epilogue based on your choices who never get any kind of choice made or character growth from their backstory. That might work in a horror movie where the entire cast is dead except one, two, or a very rare three people by the end but when there isn't much reason for anyone to die and even getting someone turned into a werewolf might just save them by the end it doesn't work well.

The developers are clearly intentionally designing their games to have no respect for their players. The Dark Pictures series was bad enough in that you can't skip scenes or conversations that you have seen before but The Quarry does not give you a chapter select until you beat the game, autosaves immediately after everything you do, gives you one save file while not even allowing you to go back to a previous chapter after you beat the game on a new file like the Dark Pictures games do but instead erasing everything that comes after, and going back to previous chapters wipes out your collectibles to the extent that even the achievements don't keep track of what you found. Then there is the ridiculously slow movement speed of characters and camera issues. There is no excuse for this with this being the fifth game they had made exactly in this same style.


One likable badass character can't save the rest of the game from a terrible cast with some awful acting, poorly shot action scenes, and needless point A to B walks for tedious collectible gathering.

House of Ashes sees a group of people trapped in underground ruins in Iraq during the 2003 US invasion attempting to escape vampire like demons that have been down there for thousands of years. The main characters include a CIA operative with a hideous character model that is for some reason in charge of a small group of the most incompetent Marines I've ever seen who have apparently been existing in a combat zone in an unready state while hoarding some war crime white phosphorus grenades, until her husband that she has been away from for a year shows up to take over. Her husband being an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel whose satellite project is being used to try to find hidden weapons of mass destruction and is what finds the old ruins. There are two marines main characters with one being the guy the CIA agent has started a relationship with while away from her husband, and another one who is a racist with a 9/11 hat. The last character is a member of the Iraq Republican Guard who is there to be the only competent, badass, friendlier person, who might just be able to make the racist marine not as racist anymore and if the entire game was just about him fighting the Americans and the demons it would have made for a better time. Unfortunately, he can't save the game all by himself.

The previous entry in the series, Little Hope, wasn't good but it at least had some ideas and moments that could have lead to it being good if not for the terrible overarching premise, this looks like it might take the series into something the developer can do a better job with by making a more action packed faster paced ridiculous ride but it manages to mess even that up. While Little Hope had some very strong acting in a mostly mediocre script, Ashes doesn't even have that with the best actors giving just passable performances with the exception of Ashley Tisdale as the CIA operative who is always terrible. The constant finding of items and collectibles to slowly examine take you away from the immediate story as much as before, but even more so here in what should be a more dangerous fast paced situation.

The action scenes end up being laughable incompetent with every shot seemingly being a tracer round that frequently show the bullets going nowhere near what anyone should be aiming at. The scenes where US and Iraq forces fight make Steven Seagal movies look well shot and better able to follow a logical event chain. The monsters don't even seem to react to being shot in the face multiple times in certain scenes but can apparently be stabbed and killed with old slightly pointy objects not designed to be used as weapons. The camera is completely unable to handle some of the confined or narrow areas you find yourself in. Characters mouths don't always move when they are speaking and there are frequent fast jump cuts in multiple scenes either like frames missing from action scenes or like it was possibly looking for a scene or line that might have happened if different choices were made then cut somewhere else when it couldn't find it. The characters apparently all have an infinite supply of ammunition (until near the end of the game when they finally start running out), though that doesn't end up being very useful to them. They find out UV light will set them on fire so when they start breaking through one of the doors they are defending they decide to shoot at the door instead of just shining the light on their hands or through the open cracks of the door (or shooting larger hold in the door that could then have the UV light shine through it). The dialogue is ridiculous, any soldier in the game tends to be written in the most stereotypes ridiculous way imaginable. A side character dies after seemingly being shot in the legs, making you think that the plot might understand that getting shot is actually bad, only for multiple characters to be shot later on only to have them completely ignore it and to go on with it never mentioned or considered a problem for them. Like all bad monster media the creatures are as fast or slow, strong or weak, and smart or stupid as the couple minutes needs them to be before deciding to do the opposite in the next scene.

Being that it stars characters that are CIA and marines invading a country outside of WWII I assumed I'd want them to die but these characters were nearly David Cage levels of unlikable and incompetent to the extent that I'd want them to die no matter who they are or what they were doing. It also makes it difficult to want to go back and see what changes different choices can lead to as it doesn't allow you to skip any of the scenes that you have already seen before.


A well made side campaign that keeps what makes the gameplay of the main game fun and allows for some atmospheric though more brief segments, while having the same expanded story elements when compared to the original PS2 mode.

For about $9, Separate Ways gets you seven chapters and about 3-4 hours of gameplay, Ada's path taker her mostly through the same areas as Leon but with a few differences, new enemy placement, and new boss fights. Her grappling hook has a fairly large role in the gameplay allowing her extra traversal options in each areas, fast ways onto a roof in some boss fights, the ability to launch or swing over obstacles. Ada has her own melee move set, one that can also make use of her grappling hook that she can use to pull herself to enemies or to pull away their shields, and she has access to a new sawed-off shotgun and crossbow that fires explosive arrows that can explode over a very large area once upgraded enough.

A lot of the new content are sections similar to things that were missing from the original Resident Evil 4. You get to see the laser wire trap room, the brief ride down a gondola as crossbow wielding enemies attack you, Pesanta who appear next to Verdugo when you meet Salazar then never appears again in the main game is a major antagonist multiple times through Separate Ways.

While you can get through it fairly quickly as the early sections can feel a bit devoid of enemies and are able to be more easily rushed through and the puzzle sections tend to be quickly and easily solvable in a way that makes most feel a bit pointless, most of the content is the same high quality as the main campaign while also expanding on its narrative and locations. We also get to spend a bit more time with Luis, which is never a bad thing.

Made as part of a contest for the PC-98 and inspired by Corpse Party.

Short RPG that has you exploring a trapped and cursed pyramid with other characters where most of them can be killed if you don't prevent their deaths leading to different scenes and endings. Good art and music, and like the game that inspired it, was something different compared to what else was available.

The gameplay has evolved in positive ways, customization is a high point with a variety of options, the maps are large and beautiful. It's unfortunate that so many missions aren't even worth the time they take to load into because their design is either stuck in 97' or they waste time telling an uninteresting and rushed through story as you go around scanning wreckage targets.

You will customize the parts of your mech by selecting different parts for the weapons, leg, core, head, booster, targeting computer, and armor setting type before going out on fairly short missions that have you fighting against other enemy ACs and the much weaker mass produced models of mechs, stationary defenses, and drones that will go up against you. Arena battles against AI units from the game and online player vs player modes are also available. Enemies and your own AC can take a certain amount of impact damage before they are staggered opening them up to taking massive amounts of burst damage, making use of your quick boosts to avoid too many heavy or consecutive hits is important as is trying to keep a heavy attack, melee, or charging kick on hand for when you do manage to stun your enemy.

The enjoyment you get from Armored Core VI is going to be largely dependent on how much you like to edit your mech and try out the different styles of play available to you. You have access to a wide variety of weapons that you can equip on your left and right arms and shoulders and you can unlock the ability to store arm parts on your shoulders while rapidly switching between them as the stored parts reload and cooldown. Each type of leg part can change up the way you play quite a bit with the the normal set acting as a balanced type, the low weight supporting reverse joint legs giving you a lot of height when you jump without using up energy and being fast, quad legs allowing you to hover in midair for very little energy and to fire heavy weapons without stopping, tank treads limit your boost speed and can make it a bit more difficult to control your movement but gives high health and defense, the highest weight limits, and absorb recoil like the quad legs do. As you play through the game the first time, and in its new game+ and new game++ you will continue to unlock new parts as you do different mission paths for the first time and trying out those weapons and builds can be a lot of fun, which is good because many of the missions are terribly designed and are even worse when you have to replay them.

The biggest issue with the game is the wasted use of so many large and beautiful maps and a focus on an extremely uninteresting story that because it's From Software has no shortage of Youtuber's posting amazing hidden plot threads that the game blatantly spells out for you immediately after they happen. So many of the early missions feel like they are just their to get you up to speed and used to the gameplay, with almost nothing to actually threaten you during the mission. This would be great, if they changed those missions up when you start hitting the new game+ playthroughs but most of them don't change and many some that do don't change in a way that makes them any more mechanically interesting. There are missions where you just walk up to some targets to extract data from wrecks with almost no enemies, missions where you fall down a hole to shoot the core of a stationary device. The first time you play a mission where you take down a giant weaponized mining machine can be fun because it looks so cool as you destroy the back leg an watch it collapse after you climb it and blow up the core but, especially after one or two more playthroughs, you realize all you really did was walk up to something and shoot a few stationary targets while hiding behind a wall from to avoid its defenses a couple times.

What the game needs is some DLC maps and missions that completely ignore the pointless main story that often makes a slog of the main campaign. There's a fun change up late game mission in space where you shoot down an enemy fleet of battleships while making use of endless energy boosts. Make a whole mission or three out of that but with multiple sides in a massive battle with enemy pilots and wider enemy variety and some allies and give people their Gundam fantasy, a large number of the shared AC builds are already almost perfect Gundam unit recreations. Do an Ace Combat 6 style mission, drop a player on one side of a massive battlefield between different forces where you can go help out different units, maybe make a minor story of the battle with a chain of missions where choices or actions can effect one or two future missions. Have a mode where you can choose one of the maps and set the enemy placement and play co-op (since team based multiplayer is already a thing). Instead we get so many fight some pitiful enemies before destroying stationary helicopters, walk around a foggy city trying to find an object to scan as a couple drones occasionally annoy you, fall down a hole, try to locate drive cores in a maze like room with a time limit, a mission with multiple factions fighting somehow turns into blow up two ACs that were fighting some weak enemies then go fly to a boss fight. There are good missions in the game but there are also so many missions that aren't worth the time it takes to load into them and it wouldn't take much to make them much more interesting because everything else the game needs for them to work is there.


Plays like a fast paced Hotline Miami that trades the melee combat and stealth elements for the dives, rolls, and slow motion filled shoot outs common in Hong Kong action cinema. Pick from duel pistols, a shotgun, rifle, or a single and later upgrade-able to duel SMGs. Base gameplay is a lot of fun, simple to control with exciting to watch gunfights taking apart the environments.

Suffers a bit from a lack of variety, four dull boss fights that all play the same, same three challenges on every level. Occasionally some movement issues, like diving over balconies to other buildings not working, or enemies that don't really react to things where they might just be standing around while you are shooting in the room or even right by them while you are in a different room.

Gameplay Montage:

Strong character customization, even allowing you to choose different music scores as a type of theme change for your character, you can build companions how you want as nothing is locked to a class. Strategic combat with some of the best ability synergy in the genre. Great writing with a lot of small details to give the world and quest more meaning. One of the rare games with a crafting system that gives you some good options. Offers a variety of ways to solve many of the quests. Divinity has some unique changes to common fantasy races and tropes. The conversation options specific to a certain race, gender, character, etc and being able to play as your potential companions allow for different conversation/quest options and endings.


Investigate murders, town history, and the secrets of villagers in a small changing town in Bavaria from 1518-1544. Unique, well written, good use of art history, nods to period films and stories, and many details to discover as you see your seemingly small choices ripple through the community over time.

Pentiment is an adventure roleplaying game set over three acts each taking place between 1518-1544 in the small town of Tassing and the nearby Kiersau Abbey in Bavaria. You play as Andreas Maler, a university drop out and soon to be master artist, who is working on a commission for the abbey before returning home to enter into an arranged marriage, as a requirement to be known as a master of his trade is to be married. Shortly before you have complete your masterpiece you become involved in a murder investigation that can put you at odds with the local abbot. Whether you help convict the right suspect or not, your investigation seems to imply that there is something bigger going on and a person working to attempt to influence your suspects to become killers. After the initial act is over, you return to a town that is both the same and changed seven years later as a now disillusioned master artist with a young apprentice. Both of you quickly being caught up in even more dangerous events as the rift between the peasants, tradesmen, and abbot have deepened. The final act takes place 18 years later with you controlling a different character as you put together parts of the town's past and learn how those remaining from that time and the newer generation look to that past both the events Maler was involved in and people who lived in the area during Roman times and before.

Early in the game you will make a series of choices for Maler that tell what he has done and learned through his life so far. You will pick where he has traveled (Basel, Flanders, or Florence) to influence the languages he knows and his knowledge of other cultures and their artwork. A background to describe how you have lived your life (hedonist, bookworm, rapscallion, craftsman, businessman). What your primary area of study was (theology, imperial law, or medicine). Finally you can choose two other areas you studied on the side (Latinist, logician, orator, occultist, or heaven and earth). Knowledge of other languages, books, artwork, and the occult all can become important or shed more light on events when dealing with certain characters or objects while your background and certain fields of study can open up new options when dealing with people or when examining objects or books.

The game deals with the exploration and relationships you build with the townsfolk and brothers and sister of the abbey based on your choices, knowledge, and background. You learn the town and people's histories, secrets, traditions and a large thematic parts of the game deals with people trying to come to terms with pasts and how they are dealing with them now and what grows from the ruins of history and you witness the effects of your seemingly small choices that can have more or just as large of an effect on a character's life as the major decisions you make, and how those choices change the lives of those in the town in the years to come. It's very well written, you get more of a feel of who your character is and what befell them between acts 1 and 2, your background choices can lead to a lot good or amusing moments, and there are a lot of minor details to find out about a lot of the characters or just things that add to the setting like what you see and hear when you spend your meal times with different people or families or about character's hidden relationships. There is some excellent music at more major moments of the story. The history of the setting is handled in simple interesting ways without taking up too much of the game's content or requiring too much explanation, and the art style of the game unique and fits both its more lighthearted and its darker moments.

There are a few negatives to the game. It doesn't feel like a game that really benefits from a time limit and what events pass time are not always clear, not much seems to come from being made to replay the game when a lot of the primary scenes and story beats aren't going to change or not change that much. Act 3 is odd because it suddenly becomes more railroaded and there are two obvious characters that you would play as one being the young daughter of the family you stay with that you can have some influence on or your apprentice who is with you for 99% of act 2, you end up playing as a girl who wasn't born in act 1 and is only around three years old in act 2 who you can buy a book for that later influences her background knowledge of the world before you can choose three other things she is good at during a conversation. A little strange that you are constantly told that you are pretty by people when you seem to be one of the least attractive young women in the game and for some reason look both haggard and closer to 40 than 20 based on how everyone else has started or aged. You end up playing as one of the kids that probably made the least impression on you, though your past influence is still effecting other aspects and characters in the village. Dealing with the village and how things have changed is a good fitting element to the themes of the game but the actual ending that ties into everything that has been happening since the start of the game is one of those all too common parts of games where the exploration and side content tend to be the best parts, the ending works and makes sense but it's just not very interesting for all the build up. Exploration can also become a bit tedious once you start hitting multiple moments where you run into, "ok I need to go here now, to do that I need to run through these ten screens then I can run back nine screens to do the next thing, etc." Could have at least used that common double click on an area divider to move to that next section.

The game keeps your one save file for a playthrough but it is fairly easy to fix a mistake made or change something you now don't want to have done by going back to the main menu and being able to scroll through a list of previous auto saved. So if you want to see other options, go back and try to pass a persuasion check, get achievements that are exclusive to one another you won't necessarily need to replay the full game.

A lot of great unique elements to the game that make it an easy recommendation despite some minor issues and the main plot ending not hitting too hard.


Mech combat action game. Decent flashy visual style and a good soundtrack, mechanically does just about everything you would want in a game of this style while offering some of the varied styles of missions you would see in something like Ace Combat, it just does it all badly with a rushed tropey unfocused nonsense story that drops entire characters at random and for some reason includes a horrible attempt to have Metal Gear Solid 3's boss fight against The Sorrow as one of the stages.

Gameplay has you piloting a variety of mechs where you can rotate and fly in any direction while boosting forward, back, sideways, and up and down while locking onto and engaging enemies with a small number of different weapons and a few defensive abilities. You can cycle through weapon that include different version of a rapid firing gun, different types of missiles that you can fire in a group or lock onto the current locked target, a longer ranged high damage rail gun, a very high damage slow to recharge particle gun more for larger enemy ships, and the defensive items include energy shields, decoys, and flares. A few of the units you can pilot have the ability to switch to a flight mode that I never found useful and some have melee weapons with better ones being able to chain attack more quickly, how useful the melee weapons are was based entirely on how the game was feeling at any given moment as an sword icon has to appear to use it (when it will appear is questionable), then you have to actually hit the enemy with it (even though you do a magical lunch towards them that you would normally be incapable of doing if they are moving at all you will probably miss), and then even when you do clearly hit them about half the time it just does no damage (as opposed to many other ranged weapon that can just decide not to do any damage closer to 1/4 of the time).

The controls are awful (both in the overly floaty movement and in terms of button placement) and unintuitive. The lock on system that you have to engage with constantly is one of the worst I've ever seen in a game like this, it has an on and off mode that when you turn it on will target what you are currently looking at and sometimes switches to other targets nearby when you shoot one down. When you play a game like this ideally you want options like swap target to aimed at, swap to nearest, next, or previous not on or off. Enemy "aces" are barely noticed and some entire missions and capital ship fights can be over in a minute before characters even finish talking. The most and only difficult battles, meaning cheap nonsense you have to exploit the game to win comes when the two most main characters you control fight two times during the game. Ground targets are a mess with your hit doing nothing a much higher percentage of the time than aerial targets, as ground targets are never really a threat the amount of missions that need you to shoot them just wastes times and adds to frustration. While there is a variety of units to pilot it isn't like planes for different roles in Ace Combat or mechs for different roles and with entirely different styles to them like in Armored Core, here it mostly just comes down to can the mech do more, less, or a lot less and once it gives you more it's not much fun to go back to less especially when ideally the game should be getting more exciting as it goes on with more and wider varieties of enemies (never really happens).
