The remake is better, but this one hits different


The first half was great in general. The aesthetic and the puzzles were enough to keep me interested. The second half though, started to feel more like a chore. The environment started to feel repetitive and I felt clueless about why I was going forward or what was the final goal (maybe due it’s lack of a story), which made me lose interest.

Ngl I had to use a guide in order to complete it.

After playing Doom 2016 I thought I would never experience a more frenetic and seamless gameplay in a fps... Oh boy I was wrong.

I liked the fact that you have a gas charge for the chainsaw that automatically refills, as it adds a more strategic flavor to the combat and allows you to be more aggressive. I found the platforming sections to be a perfect way to add a break between battles. Exploring and looking for secrets feels more satisfying and rewarding than the previous game too.

This is basically a faster and more dynamic version of Doom 2016.

Well deserved GOTY.

This game has a great gameplay and level design. Every level feels unique since it comes with new mechanics. I found great how both players feel equally impactful to complete the levels + the art direction is beautiful and creative.

Must play if you’re looking for a co-op to enjoy with your partner.

This was my first experience with the saga and made me regret not getting a Resident Evil game before.

It's really impressive how this game keeps the tense atmosphere from start to end. I've played some horror games that will make you feel stressed the first couple hours, but once you know what you are facing or what to expect, it doesn't feel the same. This is not the case here (at least with the first run). It looks and sounds really good. The puzzles do not feel repetitive, are satisfying to complete and will require you to pay attention to your enviroment, which I found cool.

It felt like something new and it was fun with friends the first hours, but then it felt exhausting and repetitive.

I'm so glad I gave it a second try after quitting years ago. What a masterpiece.

This game makes you feel lost and helpless against it's punishing world, but at the same time it gives you all the tools to overcome it. The level design, the looks and how the entire map is connected is pure artwork. It has a variety of classes, weapons and armors to fit your style of game, which also makes it really fun to replay (you can also choose different paths and different ways to defeat the levels).

I haven't found something more satisfying (in video games) than finishing this game, it's bosses and it's challenges in my own way.