43 reviews liked by LeproC

Absolutely loved this game, the first in the trilogy. It's such an atmospheric experience; I enjoyed every second of it, except maybe the Bed of Chaos, that "boss" really sucks! Its everything but a test of skill.
The soundtrack is full of bangers. Even the character creation theme goes crazy and gets you in the mood from the start. My favorite track is the Ornstein & Smough theme, which also happens to be my favorite boss fight in the game. The music during this encounter amplifies the intensity and epic scale of the battle, making it an epic fight.

Yes, the game feels a bit rushed in the second half, especially in areas like Lost Izalith, which seemed less polished compared to the earlier parts of the game. However... the DLC really redeems it. The additional content was excellent, with top-notch boss fights that were challenging and well-designed. The Artorias of the Abyss DLC stands out with its deep lore and intense battles against tough opponents like Knight Artorias or Manus, Father of the Abyss.
The graphics may be a bit outdated even for 2011, but the game still features some stunning locations that look beautiful, such as Anor Londo with its majestic, cathedral-like architecture, and Ash Lake with its eerie, otherworldly ambiance. These environments contribute significantly to the game's immersive atmosphere.
Additionally, I loved the story and the lore. The narrative is subtle, requiring players to piece together the plot through item descriptions, environmental storytelling, and character interactions. This method of storytelling makes the game's world feel alive and encourages players to explore and discover its secrets. The lore behind characters like Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, and the tragic tale of Sif, the Great Grey Wolf, adds depth to the experience and makes the journey all the more compelling.

Overall, despite a few flaws, this game remains a masterpiece in its genre. It offers a deeply engaging experience with its challenging gameplay, atmospheric world, and rich storytelling. It's a game that stays with you long after you've put down the controller.

its just so boring, nothing really fun to do, the world feels dead despite the magical setting, and the combat gets old before you even get a broom. visuals are great though

Before Dark souls III, my only two from soft experiences were Sekiro and Elden RIng, which I honestly consider both to be masterclasses in their own right. This meant high expectations going into DSIII as my first DS experience, and it did not disappoint. While the muted color palette may throw some people off, this game is simply beautiful and just emanates that sad and lonely feeling of a dying world. Everything is so somber and cold but it just works so well. Don't even get me started on the bosses, bangers the entire way. Abyss watchers, twin princes, nameless king, soul of cinder, and then you enter the dlc areas AND IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER! While I think overall the game is not that difficult, difficulty does not equal a compelling or fun game. These bosses are well designed not because they kill you fast, but because their storytelling and aesthetic simply rule. DsIII is an amazing game that I enjoyed every second out of, and the only reason it does not receive 5/5 is that I simply do not think it hits the extreme highs of other fromsoft games that own that rating.

I think about this game daily, so much confidence gained in bating blood starved beast without my buddy Ryan. So spooky, atmospheric, and beautiful. The relationship I grew with my great axe is something that no other game has ever given me. It moves like I am actually controlling it and on some of my last fights I felt so in tuned with the controls that it made it all the more satisfying. Really could ramble all day but damn I love love love love LOVE this game.

Cortito, entretenido y bueno, personalmente lo que mas se me hizo innecesario fue las escenas de acción...

Pero sacando eso, se me hizo un buen juego gratuito, recomendado para jugar, en una tardecita te lo terminas

Genuine contender for the best rpg ever made and I'm not exaggerating

co-op campaign is so fun to play with your friend while endlessly roasting the game, not much fun to be had outside of that though.



such a beautiful idea executed perfectly with a cyberpunk city and alot of beautiful visuals and locations. I never thought a game where i play as a cat full through would be so good! its very cute too it was awesome to play and id love to play again. I felt so smart completing the puzzles cause they definitely took some thinking and it felt cool putting the pieces together. The game makes you love your partner B12 and the citizens are so nice too! i highly reccomend its a very cute game with a very good story and the ending is so good and sad :,)

Now that’s a whole ass video game. Amazing gameplay flow, fun but simple movement, each stage feels unique and memorable. Cherry On Top is the charming writing and characters. Knocked half a star off for Rust Bucket Bay alone though.

Ocarina of Time was the first Zelda game I ever played. As a kid, I played it at the houses of friends, speed-ran the timed demo on Smash Bros. Brawl countless times, and finally downloaded a ROM of it in high school. This is the foundation for what we know 3D Zelda games to be, but also for all modern 3D adventure games. Hyrule Field's theme has lived on eternally since, z-targeting is a core mechanic in so many games, and the water temple will always be the biggest piece of crap any game will ever have. I love it all. I highly recommend folks check out the two part manga by Akira Himekawa if you'd like to experience the story expanded upon in a great way.