I love this game, This was honestly the most fun and satisfying turn based RPG i've ever played in a good while, the combat, characters and voice acting (except english Kiryu but overlooking it since tolerable) are amazing. Spent 62 hours on this game and can't wait to finish up the dungeons and maybe start NG+ in the future

The campaign is amazing, great story, great characters and a great setting
docked half a star because red dead online

ruined my friendship and fractured discord servers i'm in, this truly is the game to end e-friendships

I occasionally go back to play this game because I do like the multiplayer aspect but i wished there was cross play and i'm quite a bit bitter because of a bethesda account issue that made me lose my old character

Fortnite is pretty much my game i play everyday now, I like BRs

The campaign is TRASH!!!! Multiplayer and Zombies are the only things saving this 70$ dlc that was made in half the time of a regular cod game which is honestly impressive and depressing
Zombies is just DMZ but with zombies, it is kinda decent but it has gotten pretty repetitive imo
wrote this before s1 reloaded

Campaign was very good although multiplayer was cancer throughout the year because IW are stubborn assholes! spec ops is somehow worse

Somehow worse than the literal cod made in covid, and this was also made in covid!

Its pretty decent, though i wish the game had better zombies content even after all of the updates added to it

Really good campaign, i like the more open campaign missions, the multiplayer was still fun at the time i played it but spec ops is a tragedy

I thought the remastered campaign was very, very good, I wish they would remaster MW3's Campaign so we can have a updated trilogy of these games but activision would never

Campaign was pretty fun and so was the zombies even by myself, never touched multiplayer because i'm pretty sure the servers are hacker hell now

This game blows, all the modes are basically tied to the servers that will eventually shutdown, zombies is meh now and multiplayer is an atrocity

The campaign was honestly kinda meh, it wasn't anything great but it wasn't terrible
Multiplayer was also fine, didn't like the knockoff destiny hub they added and zombies was decent but had the same problem as IW zombies in terms of quality maps lol