Really limited version of its sequel, but still good for some fun.

Fun to check in on from time to time.

It's like if the first game were playable.

where does this game go on the timeline guys i need help

This game is mostly OK but the stealth is pretty poor. It is funny though

it was pretty good, not super memorable though.

Pokemon Colosseum is really interesting, it puts a spin on the mechanics of the mainline series while still managing to feel like a pokemon game. The double battles are a nice change of pace, and the heavier focus on characters and more difficult battles over exploration and collection is a good fit for a console entry in my opinion. However, the game is absolutely bogged down by how slow it can be. There's too much dialogue, and the animations for some moves, especially the multihit ones (looking at you surf) are egregiously long. Other than that, good game.