the sonic 2 (gg) experience is finishing the water level (zone 3) going into green hill (zone 4) and confusedly wondering why this easy ass stage that typically starts the games is starting the latter half, because the boring under ground (zone 1) is relatively difficult and sky high (zone 2) controls like hot ass. upon finishing green hill you gaze in horror at your screen as the words "GIMMICK MT." stare back at you as the title of the 5th zone. upon nearly game overing at the boss of this hellish level you are again confused as the 6th and (not yet known to the player) final zone is called scrambled egg. upon beating the easiest boss in the game at the end of it, you are once again confused as the game just ends

much worse than the first game

This has no reason to be good why is it

Yup its more ZX but with a map and worse transformations