Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are extremely disappointing games. They aren't as bad as the prior games, but they represent the distinct fall into mediocrity of this once great series. Everything to say about these games has been said a million times before: the performance is terrible, it's stupid easy, the open world feels empty, the whole game feels lifeless, etc.

Sonic 1 was alright for the time, but has too many glaring problems to even be really thought of as mediocre. Green Hill and Starlight Zones are pretty great, but the rest are just awful. The underwater mechanic is particularly underdeveloped. Overall, the game is below average, but it doesn't really matter because the sequels fixed everything.

This is a very boring shooter that failed to pick up steam in this hemisphere for that very reason. Even compared to other games of the time it's underwhelming.

Mario Bros. is a game that has no reason to be played today, but it was important enough.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are extremely disappointing games. They aren't as bad as the prior games, but they represent the distinct fall into mediocrity of this once great series. Everything to say about these games has been said a million times before: the performance is terrible, it's stupid easy, the open world feels empty, the whole game feels lifeless, etc.

This is an important game, but pretty outdated nowadays.

This game is noticeably better than its prequel, but still feels a bit outdated in its controls today.

I'm not really sure what to say about this game. It's Jenga with forced motion controls. It doesn't function.

Donkey Kong Country 3 feels more like the first game than the second, and retains some of its quirks.

Decently fun but forgettable fighting game.

This is one of the worst games I've ever played from a major publisher. It just doesn't function. Almost none of the game is fun, and clipping through the floor is more likely than not. The controls are also terrible, a huge downgrade from 64. It wastes your time often, throwing you out of a level after dying or all the way back to the central plaza if you lose all of your lives. This not only doesn't hold up today, but it was never good in the first place.

Mario Bros. is an interesting arcade game and important to video game history, but has little staying power today.

Zelda II is an interesting idea for a game, but the high difficulty is achieved through extremely cheap means. It's easily the worst game in this series, but it can be fun at times.

This is probably one of the worst Kirby games. It's painfully average, and mostly devoid of the charm this series is known for. The only new mechanic of converting enemies to fight alongside you gets boring pretty quickly.

For mobile this is a pretty good rhythm game, but the way it's monetized absolutely kills the experience. You're often limited on how much you can play even if you want to keep going and that's never a good sign.