Prime 2 is such a spectacular improvement over the original in almost every way that I was at times surprised that Retro grew this much in just 2 years. I came away from the first game liking it but thinking that the prime series just wasn't for me. After trying Echoes on a whim I was hooked to it immediately. The environments are so much more engaging, the enemies more fun to fight, and the puzzles more intricate. The controls still suck though. Also Retro please stop with the Wind Waker level fetch quests at the end like come on. Anyway play this it's really good.

This is a mediocre late NES puzzle game. There isn't much to talk about aside from how strange it is that Nintendo rereleases this so often.

Metroid, while being an incredibly important and influential game, has some very crippling problems that generally make it not very fun to play today. The game has the high difficulty of many of the games of its time, which would normally be fine, but most games prior to the N64/PS1 generation were more keen on throwing unsolvable puzzles or unfair enemy combinations at players. This makes the game feel cheap, and thus none of the accomplishments really feel earned. Thank god for the lack of a lives system. The ability to only carry 1 weapon also hurts this game, as the Ice Beam is borderline necessary to beat the game but doesn't kill enemies quickly enough to be satisfying. Overall, it can be fun at times but has a lot of problems that make this game ultimately skippable. Very important to video game history, borderline unplayable today without savestates.

Dual Destinies is a mess, and easily the worst of the mainline Ace Attorney games, but the core gameplay is still definitely fun. Most of the environments and cases feel pretty generic, and it feels like the events and character developments of Apollo Justice were completely ignored. Overall, it's a fun game but nothing worth playing for someone who isn't invested in this series.

I'm really glad this game exists, as it kickstarted one of the best series on the NES, but this game has been far exceeded by its sequels. The game itself is ok, it's pretty easy to tell Capcom hasn't learned how to design levels for this series yet.

This feels like a Mario Maker troll level made into a whole game.

For as antiquated its design, and with as truly horrendous controls as the GameCube version has, I still couldn't help but enjoy Metroid Prime. Sure, it may have a lot of blemishes, and doesn't hold up as well as a game this beloved probably should, but the hypnotic effect long sessions of this game can have is something everyone should experience at some point or another.

I don't think this game is quite as bad as everyone else seems to. It's definitely not very well designed, but the gameplay is fun enough. Please use a guide though.


Mappy is a pretty fun arcade game but is simple even by arcade standards.

Age of Calamity is a really fun, albeit simple, semi-prequel to Breath of the Wild. The gameplay is surprisingly varied for how simple games like this tend to be, and there are many different skills, techniques, and characters. It's probably best played in short bursts to maintain the novelty however.

Definitely the weakest perfect score I've ever given, but god damn it go play it yourself and tell me it doesn't deserve it. It feels like the perfect fusion of classic Mega Man and the later X games. Almost all of the boss levels are incredibly fun, with some of the catchiest music a game has ever had. The levels are dynamic, and the whole game feels more connected on a deeper level than some games do now 30 years later. The only blemish I could possibly think of is the fact that a few of the Sigma stages are a little unbalanced, but other than that it's about as close to perfection as most platformers can get. I finished it in a day because I just couldn't get myself to stop playing it.

Kirby's Dream Land 2 is just the first game but better, it actually feels like a Kirby game now.

Mario Bros. is an interesting arcade game and important to video game history, but has little staying power today.