definitive the most in depth expansion to current date.

I have gripes with the extension of certain parts, including that of lopporits, but other than that, it honestly is a hard battle between this and shadowbringers for the best expansion.

but hey. we still got dawntrail coming out! cant wait.

For one of the most well known team based shooters, it has introduced some mechanics that many people hate in other games (ex lootboxes, cash shops, etc). despite this, it has becoming its own entity, transcending just gaming and having a massive economy.
though, it is genuinely one of the most fun shooters ive ever played (aside the other tf2) and continues to bring more fun every time i play it.

One of the most complex fps ive ever played, love this game to death.

love the storytelling going on! glad the expanded onto it.
wish there wasnt always some argument in regards to this and the br, but hey, thats just the reality of gaming.

Never thought being a cult leader would be so fun! No wonder theyre so common.

very silly concept, got stuck in my head for the entirety of covid-19.

fall guy :)

definitely one of the more unique games ive played in my childhood. oozes personality and creativity.

fuck doug tenapel though.