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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 23, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


What an amazing game!
I was really looking forward to it, and was not dissapointed.
Everything I loved in the last game was in this one too.
Awesomstory and characters, great soundtrack, the world is not to big and while fighting you really feel strong.

And they thought about so much details. Like Kratos smashing chest to open them and Atreus tried this once and had to realise, he's not his father and had to open it with his bow. Things like that.
The conversations are always interesting and always clever! They are talking like you really would talk to each other and they include things you are doing.
Like Kratos exploring the area ( chests) and one of the characters, which joined lately, ask what hes doing. And Atreus just explain, that his father often explore areas to find helpfull stuff.
I love it.
And what impressed me the most about this game, were the sidequest. Why your asking? Just because they don't feel like ones.
It feels like its an important mainquest and later conversations are including the stuff you found or learned in this sidequests.

But after all of that, why am I not givin 5 stars?
Because of the ''fast traveling'' / ''backtracking''.
You can't to everything from the beginning. So you have to come back at some point. To get there, you have doors to travel to different points in the world. But for this, you have a little animation to open the door, to go trough the door, to walk a mystical way, to get through another door. Of course, this takes less than a minute, but it's a bit slow anyway. And many points a not near to the point you want to get. So the backtracking is a bit slower than I whished it would be. But it's not a gamebreaker, because this world and the many conversations you have, while walking are entertaining you, while your searching for a special point on the map.

By the way. I had NO bugs, glitches or something like that.
Just a really great journey.
Thank you Santa Monica Studio and Sony.