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2 days

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January 22, 2024

First played

December 27, 2023

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RE5 is a weird one for me as I spent as much time enjoying it as I did getting very annoyed with it.

It's safe to say the game has not aged well. The gameplay is clunky as hell and quite frustrating at times. Sheeva is a decent new character but her AI also did my head in. I would place a few proximity bombs and she would just start picking them all up! When she wasn't doing that she was either in my way or shooting me. I also really hated the saving system in the game. You barely ever got checkpoints so I ended up redoing so many sections of the game which is part the reason it took me a bit to finish. That said, the combat was fun at times and I found myself becoming quite fond of the stun rod!

As for the story of the game, it feels like a missed oppurtunity. You spend most of the game looking for Jill which is cool but I feel like everything starts happening too late on in the game. Wesker shows up way too late and with him being such a cool villian it just feels like a waste that he is only in the last segment. The first 4 chapters just felt like they were just prolonged build up with not too much happening.

When it comes to the tone of RE5, it seems to fully embrace its silliness but I feel like it doesn't work the same way it does in RE4. RE4 has you laughing at how cheesy and over the top it could be where as this had me rolling my eyes the majority of the time. Everything was over the top but it no longer feels self aware and actually felt like it was supposed to be cool. A prime example of this would be the cutscenes. One instance that I did find quite funny though is Chris having to perform a combo on a boulder to create a path for Sheeva, that made me piss myself.

For quite a negative (and lengthy) review I have given quite a high score. Now don't get me wrong, I did like this game. I think it is overall ok and I had quite a bit of fun with it. My issue is that a lot about this game really frustrated me as I believe it could have been so much better so that is all I really have to talk about.