The best shovel knight campaign.


I actually think Hades is a bit overrated. Good game, love the voice acting and art, but honestly the gameplay doesn't hit for me the way some other games in the genre do.

I like the game a lot but not as much as a lot of other people do.

Maybe if I went back to it I would enjoy it more but this metroidvania just never clicked with me.

A fun, mindless survival roguelike. Honestly I enjoy it more than Vampire Survivors.

It's just fun man. Dumb, stupid, explosive fun.

It's the best Mario Kart. I don't make the rules.

This game won't please everyone, but I think it's fantastic. The story mode is very interesting and keeps you guessing, not to mention there's a genuinely stellar roguelike waiting for you when you're done.

Good fun. I wish it didn't have the DLC model it does but it's published by Paradox so who's surprised.

I barely remember this game but I recall it being pretty bare bones.

In my opinion, the peak of a very under appreciated RTS/Tower Defense series. I go back to this one every once and a while.