Very underrated RTS/Tower Defense series.

Legit a really bad way to play monopoly. Someone gets disconnected because of shitty netcode and then it's impossible to rejoin because ubisoft is stupid.

I have a soft spot for this game. I honestly don't know why

Unironically the most I've enjoyed a pokemon game in a long time.


Pikachu is a little dumbass and the mic works about as well as you would expect. Still has some soul though I'll give it that.

This game just has so much soul. I really wish The Pokemon Company would allow another battle-sim focused game, it would make modern competitive formats way more accessible.

Unironically the best pokemon game

This collection got a lower rating from me than all three of the games in it did how is that possible

Mario just feels so fucking good to control in this game.

Roguelike platforming perfected. Also this games' secrets are absolutely insane and I implore you to try and figure as much out as you can without looking things up.

Phenominal stealth game, super fun sandbox-style missions. There's a few missions that are stinkers though, and the story is pretty mediocre by metal gear standards (and also literally unfinished thanks Konami).

Very underrated, super fun with friends who are willing to get into it.

This spinoff series just isn't for me.