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Bunch of mutuals were posting these so I thought I might as well throw my hat into the ring

Favourite Game : Pentiment
Ask me what my favourite game is 5 times and youll get 5 different answers but for now Im happy to call Pentiment my fave. Its just a perfect combination of a narrative adventure game with rpg elements which deals not only in historical subjects but grapples with the point of history itself on top of being a very moving, human story about truth, love and religion
Favourite Game Series : Zero Escape
Not that I think theyre all perfect, but as evidenced by my 7k word essay on VLR this series lives in my head rent free. That being said, in terms of pure enjoyment 999 > ZTD > VLR
Favourite Soundtrack : Misericorde
I could have put a million different games here and I was originally going to put Persona 5 here but fuck it, this could use the exposure
Favourite Protagonist : Ringo Ishikawa
Im trying to not repeat any games here so otherwise I would have put Andreas Maler from Pentiment but right now Im feeling Ringo. Hes a bit like Holden Caulfield in that hes a very relatable figure who is nevertheless a self destructive idiot at times and has to grow up in our less than great world. I relate because I was also a dumbass as a teenager even if I didnt beat up thugs after school. "One of the greatest tragedies in life is a wasted talent" said Ringos Teacher "What about people without talent, did they waste their lives from the beginning?" responds Ringo
Favourite Villain : Capitalism
Okay its a bit more complicated than that but I'm kinda blanking on this one, most of my favourite games dont have clear cut villains
Best Story - Disco Elysium
Trying not to repeat here, cause I would love to put Pentiment or even Ringo here but I quite enjoyed DE which seems to have slightly raised our standards for writing so it has to be rewarded somehow
Game I havent played but Want To : Darklands
Mainly due to Pentiment. I have a strong fear Ill be filtered so I keep putting it off, also cause it has a massive manual to read
Game I Love Everyone Hates : Dark Souls 2 SOTFS
Okay i know this game has shooters but its the closest I can think of. Most games I love are either not known enough to be hated or not divisive enough
Game I Hate Everyone Loves : Persona 2 Innocent Sin
More so just the PSP port but it has the worst combat in any rpg ive played. Maybe speedup would have helped but I was playing on hardware. Also if the game needs speedup to not suck ass thats still a pretty big flaw. Anyways the story is ok but not good enough to make up for physically torturous gameplay. Persona 1 better
Best Artstyle : Paws Of Coal
I feel like "name the best looking game" is like asking me to tell a joke on the spot, I know a million but I just go blank in that situation. Anyways I like the watership down esque artstyle of Paws Of Coal and dont want repeats so here
Best Ending : Spiritfarer
Again nor repeats cause otherwise Pentiment would get this one but one of the last "quests" I did and the ending itself in this game made me cry more than any piece of media before or since so I have to put it here even if Spiritfarer kind of shoots itself in the foot with its overlong runtime
Favourite Boss : Fume Knight
This is technically different from DS2 okay? Anyways I love Fume Knight, its one of the few bosses that everytime he kills me I just laugh and put on a smirk in a sort of "oh Ill get you next time!" Sort of way. I love him. Imo the platonic ideal of a souls fight before it became purely about being hard for its own sake. An ironic thing to say for one of the statistically best bosses at killing players (for real, look it up).
Childhood Game : Emperors New Groove was my first game arguably, I had no memory card on my ps1 so I never finished it until I emulated the game as a teen
Relaxing Game : Dark Souls 1
This might sound insane but genuinely Ive beaten dark souls 1 so many times and its one of the game in the series where its easiest to master all the mechanics such that you are basically almost invincible (i.e zwei, parries, humanities etc)
Stressful Game : Sekiro
Ive yet to beat this game cause even though im not terrible at it (beat Genichiro second try) it makes my blood pressure spike and also I hate the actual areas between bosses tbh
Game I Keep Coming Back To : Total War Shogun 2
Its just a really entertaining game and like Dark Souls I have mastered enough of it to be able to get through without all that much effort (unless Im playing on legendary in one of the hard starts like uesugi or something). Great modding scene, usually play with rebalanced ranged troops to make bows more expensive upkeep and smaller unit size compared to initially expensive but easier upkeep and greater size matchlocks i.e a more historically accurate balancing
Guilty Pleasure : Soulvars
Its just a flashy, lightning quick turnbased rpg mobile game thats not amazing and has basically almost 0 plot but it just grabbed me and didnt let go for 8 hours
Game With Most Hours Played : Garrys Mod
When you have 0 money as a preteen you go to Minecraft and Garrys Mod which are basically infinite


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