best spider man game oat easilly and in my top 5 games, story, boss battles all upgraded from first game

ok i guess dissapointing season

what the fuck happen to fifa or ultimate team even, the market was dead after a week, shocking game

bad movement is a peak point of why this seasons a let down, the map is dissapointing due to the lack of good pois, it feels like a massive empty map witha few small towns, poor season.

good season overated bc of the nostalgia of spiderman no way home and the web slingers in the game, still a great season and it brought me back to fornite (again) but ita becomibg overated, this time in the next couple years ppl will rate this 9/10 or even 10/10 season and will say its better than some og fornite seasons.

it was ok ppl ovvertae this season saying iyts a 9/10 which like chapter 2 season 2 ppl miss the quarentine not the game, i remember when this was released ppl didnt like it but nostalgia seems to love this game, it wAS good just good.

great season and this brought me back to frtointe but the amount of overrated opinions on this season annoys me, people call this the best season ever which is ridiucklous, at the time this was no ones favourite season but as time goes on people get more and more nostalgic and this was during covid felly ppl miss the time, quarentine plyaing games all day not the season.

great season but this was my last in chapter 1, start of a heavy downfall

another great season but the start of a downfall amazing season but the standard had dropped a bit.

another peak season but the last peak season ever, 3rd best season

2nd best fn season and this was just prime fornite combined with season 4

my intro to fortnite and it was peak 4th best season

peak fortnite my favourite period in gaming