The erect remixes go HARD! (weekend 1 was also cool)

This game is peak insanity. This is my first metal gear game and I can tell that there’s some missing context with Raiden, as most of the villains call him, “Jack the Ripper.” This game doesn’t rely on story too much, I mean you are stopping villains from killing children and stealing their brains to create war machines, how could it be more obvious that the villains are evil? I don’t mind the story being pretty simplistic though, because the gameplay is AMAZING! Slashing enemies, parrying attacks, using blade mode, and transforming into “Jack the Ripper” are all extremely fun to do. I also love the ninja run since it’s just a better run button. It makes you faster and jumps over objects. I can’t remember how I felt playing the earlier bosses since I started this game 4 months ago, but the final 2 bosses were absolutely perfect. 10/10, An extremely fun hack and slash, I will be trying to 100% this one.

The duel of wits between yourself and the dealer’s AI is extremely fun. The items give a good deal of strategy, some healing, some dealing more damage, some revealing more info and some stalling the game. My personal favorite item is the grenade looking one that lets you steal other items, just getting rid of 1 of the dealer’s items is pretty big in rounds that take a long time. This main story is pretty short, around 30 minutes long. There is a side mode called “Double Or Nothing” in which you can play the gameplay of Buckshot Roulette for infinity, or as long as you can until you get shit items. I love Double or Nothing, but man, they should not have added TWO ACHIEVEMENTS WHERE YOU HAVE TO REACH 1 MILLION. It’s like 18 rounds minimum if you get lucky after the first payout amount. 8/10, Fun game and I cannot wait for the multiplayer!

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, is a mind blowing game that I believe has some of the highest highs in the Ace Attorney franchise (that I've played through so far, 1-4) The standout cases in this game are 4-1 and 4-4, the starting and final cases. I won't spoil the story in this review so I'll talk about the gameplay which is standard ace attorney gameplay with a slight twist. You investigate crime scenes to find evidence to prove your client innocent and find out who the true killer is. During the trial sections you have to cross examine a witness who is lying to you, and to prove that they are lying you have to present evidence contradicting what they're saying. The twist is that Apollo, the main character, has a bracelet that can let him perceive minute details, like when a witness tenses up which means they're hiding something. The story is incredible and while it does include Phoenix Wright, I feel like this is the best standalone ace attorney game (that I've played through so far, 1-4) besides the original Ace Attorney. I also love the graphics and especially the music, some standouts being “Apollo Justice - A New Era Begins!” and “Cross-Examination - Allegro 2007” The second part of the investigation in 4-4 dragged on for a bit and the second part of the trial in 4-2 felt too short but other than those two parts, I feel like the game was pretty well paced. Apollo Justice isn't perfect, but it's pretty close to perfect for me so it gets a 10/10. I'm hoping Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice keep up the trend of great Ace Attorney games!

Splatoon 3 Side Order is a pretty fun roguelike that I think could have benefited greatly from just a few more bosses. I’m only writing this review after my first time completing Side Order, but I feel that the bosses will get repetitive quickly since there’s only 3 of them and you have to fight 2 of them each time you complete the tower. The amount of enemies and the numerous floor layouts are pretty cool, but I think they could have spent a bit more time on new bosses.

The lack of bosses was my main downside, so now I’ll move into the positives.The tutorial section was pretty cool, even though the section wasn’t a roguelike, it still did a great job explaining most of the mechanics of Side Order, like the color chips and floor selection. I liked how I had to manage my Membux and difficulty since if I do something too hard I’ll die, but if I do something easier, I won’t have enough Membux to buy lives or continue if I die in the bosses. The balance between getting good color chips, enough Membux, and having enough lives is fun and challenging to pull off. I beat the expansion after 4 failures, which gave me a lot of Prlz and a lot of new upgrades to spend them on. Damage reduction, more max lives, and continuing after losing all lives were integral upgrades that if I didn’t have during my winning attempt, I would not have won. The final boss sequence is incredible but I won’t spoil that here. If you’ve read this entire review and haven't played side order yet, please go play it, it’s pretty good.

8/10, I really think you could’ve sold this expansion on its own for $20 if you just added a few bosses. Still, good job Nintendo, this was a pretty fun expansion.

So my original UnderTale Yellow review was a huge yap session where I went over the entire story of UTY, but if you’re on this Backloggd page right now that most likely means you have experienced the incredible piece of art that Undertale Yellow is. And if you haven't, go play Undertale Yellow it’s amazing!!! This review is mostly just going over my favorite mechanics and fights in UTY (nothing gets too spoilery, for those who are reading and still haven’t played the game yet)

I love both Axis fights because of the duality it shows. On one you’re defending yourself from a killer robot that won’t stop hunting you down, and on the other side Axis is defending himself from you, a crazed monster killing lunatic, with the very same object he made you use to fight him. You block Axis’ attacks with the top the same way he blocks your gunshots in genocide. I also love both music tracks and how much more tense the genocide version is, it really strives in the fact that Axis is fighting for all of monster kind.

I like the Desert as an area very much, I liked Dark Ruins and Snowdin (I took a break for around a month and a half from the game partially because I was bored in Snowdin but still,) but the Desert is just different. The best enemy designs with some of the best music tracks and three of my favorite bosses (Ceroba, Starlo, El Balidor). Steamworks is a good area too with fun puzzles and both Axis fights were fun. The new areas in UTY (Desert and Steamworks [and Rooftop if we’re getting really technical here]) are really where the game shines.

Enemy retreating is such a good song, it’s a shame you only hear it once per area at its fastest volume. After one or two speed downs the song still sounds good (not as good as the fastest version but still good) and after like four slow downs you can’t even recognize the song anymore. I wish the song stayed at its hype first speed instead of slowing down after every encounter, but oh well, this is a very minor complaint when the music in this game is so good.

The genocide final boss is really really REALLY HARD (No spoilers, trust), but I was getting pretty close to beating the genocide final boss on 1.0 (I had already beat the Geno. final boss on 1.1 at the time of this retry), I had three items with me and I got pretty close to the end of the final boss’ health bar. BUT THE GAME CRASHED ON ME. Screw 1.0, maybe I’ll do the final boss without autofire sometime, but today is not that day.

I could keep going on and on and on about all the things I love in this game like Starlo’s fight gimmick, Ceroba’s annoying wall hurt health bar attack, the steamworks vending machine personality, all of Flowey’s save point dialogue, and I think you get the point by now. Unfortunately I cannot keep going on about all the amazing things in Undertale Yellow, “All good things must come to an end.” - I don’t know who said that and I don’t care enough to want to search that up right now. Anyways, just because something good has to end, doesn’t mean something good can’t pop up again. UTY is my favorite fangame of all time, and I personally like UTY more than the original Undertale. So I hope that Undertale Yellow shows creators of undertale fangames, new and old, how to put care and love into their own project. Great job TeamUTY! This game gets a 10/10 from me!

Fun little game to mess around with for like an hour.
Some first discoveries I got were:
Alien Occupy Wall Street
President Dimitrescu (I am not a Resident Evil Fan)
Dinosaur Evil 6 (Again, I repeat, I am not a resident evil fan lol)

Please stop the unfunny "Splatoon but for straight people" Joke

Good for what it was, a free battle royale version of Bomberman R. Still sad that it went out :(

I know I'm like a month late but 2.2 is out and it's brought me back to this game. Pretty fun, It sucks that I have to grind for everything since I started playing this game a lot more post 2.1 but still, I'll have a lot of fun with the quality of levels on the servers.

Fun fighting game with a good story and unique mechanics that could only work with the persona series. I also love the pixel art and all the new and character portrait and cutscenes mad for this game. My only problem with this game is that the online community isn't that active which makes it hard to get the online achievements.

Fun and short kart racing game, but 100%ing it does get repetitive once you unlock all the upgrades (ESPECIALLY the beating a lap in a Minute and beating Lap 3 Achievement)


Minit is a short and fun Puzzle solving adventure game. I began Minit thinking it would be a game carried by its one minute reset Gimmick, man was I wrong. I genuinely feel like Minit is a very good game on its own regards and that the gimmick is just the cherry on top. Some of Minit's puzzles stumped me for a good while. I even used a guide to solve one of them, but I really didn't need too and I could have found a solution if I was thinking harder. Also beating Minit isn't the end, there's a new game plus mode that remixes the game in a lot of cool and interesting ways, but I don't want to spoil, so I'll leave it at that. Minit isn't revolutionary, but it's a really good puzzle-adventure game.

Learn To Fly is a pretty short game with minimal content and replay value, but I still come back to it. There aren't multiple endings or different upgrades you can get to beat the game. I think I come back to it because it’s a fun and quick time waster that I can fully complete it in 30 minutes. I like the achievement system this game has with you unlocking harder ramps after completing a few achievements. I also like the art for the game, it’s pretty simplistic, which adds to the flash charm. If you haven’t played a game like Learn To Fly (I don’t know what genre of games Learn To Fly is in), give it a shot! If you like games where you upgrade and try again, then this is a game you’ll enjoy.

Fun, short, quick, replayable, but kinda unreliable. I think I like the personality this game has a lot more than Move It!, but the controls are a lot more responsive in Move It!. Usually once a stage the controls do not work even though I am doing the correct form and I lose a life, it's not that bad considering you have 4 lives but still, In Move It! I believe that the controls were at fault for me losing a micro game only twice in the entire game. This is a minor annoyance though I would rank this game slightly below Move It!, but it's still an amazing WarioWare!