Top 10 Favorite of All Time (IMO)

This is a list of the top 10 games I have on Backloggd. They don't necessarily have to have 5-star ratings. I try to rate games fairly when actually submitting reviews. These are just the one's I enjoy playing the most. These are all my opinions, so don't throw a hissy fit. Thanks. Love ya.
-Luke Kubs

The Legend of Dragoon
The Legend of Dragoon
This game has a special place in my heart. I had this as a kid and it was crazy to me that it had so many discs. I loved it as a kid and eventually the discs got scratched and stopped working. Years later I bought another copy of it and played it again. To my surprise it was just as exciting as it was when I was a kid. The combat is fun because each attack has a rhythm you have to hit in order to do full damage and it makes you focus the whole time. The characters and story are nice and it's got a lot of heart put into it. This game deserves more than it got.
SuperHot VR
SuperHot VR
This game was super fun before it was in VR, and then SuperHot VR left that game in the dust. This is the most fun I've had playing a VR game. I really want there to be a sequel to this. You get a crazy workout and feel like a ninja in the process.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
The base Spyro games were always so much fun as a kid and they took all of them, put them in one package, and remastered it beat for beat. It's still got its old charm and now it's even more polished. This is how remakes should be and I'm glad this game got that treatment.
Slay the Spire
Slay the Spire
This is by far my favorite Card battling game. The art style is fun and charming. I do wish that there was more content. It's not easy to unlock everything but it's just so easy to sink 60 hours into this game that I just want more and more. I liked it so much I bought it on both Steam and iOS so I could play it when I'm bored somewhere other than home. Love it.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition
It seems that people either love or hate this game. I fall into the "love" category. Not only can you sink hundreds of hours into the base game, but the amount of Mods that have come about over the last decade has made this game endlessly replay-able. Love the lore and amount of hidden stuff in the world as well.
Risk of Rain 2
Risk of Rain 2
I was shocked that I hadn't heard of this or its predecessor before I played it. The atmosphere, characters, enemies, envionments, weapons, music, and items all have such a unique aspect to them and it's sooo addicting. Each survivor you play as has a unique play style. There's also so many hidden little secrets that you can go dozens of hours without finding. I'm excited to see where else this game/series goes next.
Enter the Gungeon
Enter the Gungeon
This is a super fun rougelite. It's super challenging the first few runs when you're first learning the game but once you get used to it and start unlocking stuff it just gets better from there. It's got a huge amount of charm and love put into the designs. There's a lot of dumb puns made but they fit right in. The guns and items are hilarious and there's a seemingly endless amount of gun mechanics and enemies to discover. It's co-op so you can play with a buddy, but your buddy can only be one character which is a bummer, but really doesn't take too much away from it in the long run. If you're willing to learn how to play, I promise it's worth it.
Overwatch has severely dropped in popularity and had a lot of controversy over the years. I pre-ordered the game for my Xbox One in college and fell in love with it pretty quickly. I love the characters and designs. I do wish they didn't get rid of the first game after OW2 came out, but nevertheless I still have fun with the game to this day.
Hades is both a visual and gameplay masterpiece. I love the characters, the relationships you can build, the quality and quantity of the dialogue. The experience of this game as a whole is unlike any other game I've played. Bravo to the creators and everyone involved. It's heavily addicting and every time I play I come across something new. It never stops being challenging and there's so many ways to play. I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's the closest example to perfect I can think of. Alright I'm done. Thanks for listening :)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
It's a cornucopia of love and battle. This is the best fighting game series I've ever played and this game tops it all off with nothing but love and hard work. When you say super smash brothers, everyone knows what you're talking about regardless of age. I'll never stop loving smash brothers. Nothing like it, and no Warner Bros or other knockoff will ever be able to capture the love this game has put into it.


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