Top 10 Overrated Games (That I've Played)

Oh man you guys are really gonna hate me for some of these. That's okay thought. Love you.

This is such a bland and boring beat 'em up. They took a beloved series and made possibly one of my least favorite games I've ever played. It's janky, and the basic enemies take way too many hits to beat. It's neither fun, nor rewarding.
Fortnite is a nightmare that came to life. Horrible children everywhere that made a game popular, that's just the least fun out of so many other games in the Battle Royale genre. They took Goku and gave him a gun. No thanks. I don't ever want to play this game again.


I tried hard to like this game, but I had no fun at any moment. The environment was bland, the game wasn't really scary even when it tried to be. I felt the guns didn't feel satisfying and it just didn't have any shine to it.
Listen, I'm a kingdom hearts fan through and through, but good lord this game fell through hard. Yeah, I cried at the end, and I enjoyed the story. But that's kinda it. It was fun to be able to kind of explore levels but I think the fact that it was in development for so long, everyone, including myself, expected too much and got a mediocre product. I'm interested to see where they take the series from here, but the trailer for 4 looks a just a little too off from the series at this point. The DLC for this game added a little bit back but honestly the only satisfying part to this game was the story for me. Sorry.
Yeah, I know. You're fuming. It's okay. This game was talked about as being the greatest game of all time and all that jazz when it came out and in reality, it was good, but not at that level. It was unique and a very fresh take. It was made by one guy, and I'm happy he was able to make a game that succeeded this much. I don't think the game is bad, it's just not as good as it was touted to be. Alright we're done arguing, let's move on.
I could barely keep my eyes open after only a few hours of playing the remake. I had some fun with it as a kid, but that was mostly from not doing what the game wanted me to do. For such a fun concept, it is exceptionally average. Playing the remake made me realize how average this game was, or possible even below average.
I've played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. Out of those three Oblivion is by far my least favorite. I didn't care about the story or characters nearly as much, and there was just something lacking from Oblivion that Morrowind and Skyrim had.
I played this game for like 10 hours and felt like I did not progress in any capacity. It looked super fun when I watched gameplay, but actually playing it was a massive disappointment and I just ended up fighting the same 5 guys for 10 straight hours.
I'd never really played any other far cry game other than Primal and this was definitely different. It was just exceptionally bland and the sound was horrible. It sounded almost compressed or something? Just didn't hook me at all and I don't get the hype behind it.
I bought this and was severely disappointed. I knew there had to be a Final Fantasy game somewhere on this list and this one made the cut. It really never hooked me and may just not be for me in general.


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