Some of the worst tutorials in any game I've played, with some god awful pacing in the first half, and character designs that make you think the game will be more horny than it actually is.
Despite all that, some of best character writing in the entire medium, and my favorite fictional world of all time. This game helped me at one of lowest points. I promise my other reviews are less formal than this.

When a series has characters that you love so much that they feel like a second family and your love goes so deep that you're willing to forgive them for being British.

Hell yeah, Monolith Soft finally has a game with good UX design.

My Wii U gamepad has a broken screen, meaning I can't really play this game again atm, which explains a lot about my depression. Please put this game on Switch so I can have my fix, Nintendo.

As an autistic person who gets easily overwhelmed in meetings and at parties, I relate to Lora on a deep level. Sometimes I get overstimulated and wish to do a Vanguard switch IRL.

6 child soldiers with sick drip learn what sex is and end capitalism.


Every time I have to remind someone what my pronouns are, I want Rex to walk in and explain what being Non-Binary means.

Nothing like Lesbians killing god to start the holiday season.

F this game! (The F stands for fabulous)

This game helped me realize the whole Christianity thing wasn't for me. I named my Aeons after tumblr sexy men.

I wanna burry my head in Leon's chest

How was this OST not nominated for the game adverts?