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1 day

Last played

June 29, 2023

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I know there's a happy end ahead.

I know there's a path at the other end of this hell where the grass is green, trees tower, and my wings can extend.

I know there I can be 'me.' A real one, crafted and worked for, built out of my own dreams.

It doesn't make the days easier. The 'struggle'. The weight of a scornful trap looped over my surroundings, the thorns edged up painfully under the skin. The threads are old but they've been there long enough not with weakness but from cold strength. They bind and they encourage an idea that this is what we deserve, what we need, it's NECESSARY to die for it. They have surrounded more people than you will ever know, an endless sprawl of bodies left discordantly across, either painfully close to you or vividly realized in others' words. Even after you think you can violently toss it aside, thinking they're gone, the wounds never heal or SCAR. They stick with you for the rest of your life, the darkness Will follow you everywhere.

Which is why we have to give ourselves our own dream, with our own hands, built to last.
"We’re not who they want us to be. We are us, and that’s ok. I couldn’t accept it before, and it tore our hearts apart. But now, I can accept it. I can accept me."