Solid, but later entries really picked up where this was lacking. Other than the weird pacing and zig zagged difficulty, there's a good game here.

Tails would kick Sonic.exe's ass let's be real

Oh my fucking god.

If you put AA2-2 in the first game (The weakest case here IMO) It would STILL be the second best case in that game. I cannot underestimate how much of a true step up this game is. It's SO GOOD.

Best characters in any game ever.


One of the only RPGs where you want to AVOID combat. It punishes you for playing the game.

This game isn't broken. The game isn't rushed. They WANTED to make the game this way. I will never understand how, or why.

How the fuck does your game run better with the volume off?

Tactics were a great idea honestly, I know that's controversial but yeah. Second half is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had, first half is still amazing but a few eh moments. I recommend this to any teen.