This needed a Z version so bad. Just like how Gen 4 needed Platinum so bad. But... we never got it. So they just shoehorned Zygarde in Gen 7 and called it the end.

Better than Emerald. Cooler than Rayquaza. I love the new features way more than most.

When I was on the bus once as a kid, I had a ton of DS games, yet for some reason my two friends ONLY wanted to play this one.

I have ADHD, could you tell?

I love that this came with Dr. Wario. It makes Dr. Mario the most worthless GameBoy game of all time.

I played this at a friend's. Wow I could not stand these mechanics at all. Maybe the characters are good but other than Ky I didn't really care for them.

The biggest "fuck you" Pokemon has ever given the fans.

Basically everything except the actual gameplay is great. Amazing visuals and music for the DS, seriously. But once you get your first special attack the game is hilariously basic other than a few puzzles.

The 3D models are kind of hard to get over. But it's still a Zero Escape game. Tons of effort all around.

On the other hand... The main character is named Sigma. We know the size of his cock, but not Seven's real name. Isn't that fucked?

My high score was 183 and I know this because I took a screenshot on my phone back in 2013.

Fun for 5 minutes. Then you do the same thing again. Then again. Then again.

There's nothing to it.

I hate to say this but going back and replaying it this game was WAY too easy. Why didn't Adventure 2 give the zombies double health instead of the 3 plants thing?

Oh well, doesn't change how amazing the vibes and presentation this game has will always be.

Kind of wild how much they were able to cram into this game. It's a great game, no doubt about that. Just some parts of it can drag, and quite a few weird characters that aren't that enjoyable. Still recommend though.