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1 day

Last played

October 14, 2022

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Dungeon Encounters takes everything that is expected from a mainstream release and proves that almost all of it is superfluous. It was such an interesting experience that got me thinking, that lots games try to appeal to broader audiences by introducing more and more mechanics burying the good stuff underneath a ton of mediocre stuff, demotivating the player.

Would I be as engaged to keep descending the dungeon for as long as I was if it had more cinematic and narrative ambitions like almost every JRPG in existence? I dont think so. Likewise, would I keep going if the combat system was more complex? Probably not. Would prettier graphics improve the experience? Nope.

It was nice seeing something so focused coming from Square veterans.

The game is not perfect though. I think the music leaves a lot to be desired, specially the battle themes. Also the post credit content leans a little towards grinding.