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January 1, 2019

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edit: old review, will redo

This is a really solid choice for your first Jackbox experience - two of the games alone can provide hours upon hours of fun, add three more (even if they're not as good) and dear god, you have yourself a party pack alright.

Quiplash XL (4.5) - This remained the crowning champion of party games, in my eyes, up until Quiplash 3 came out. If you have the right group of people then buckle up, and make sure your lungs are in good health since by god you'll be rolling on the floor a lot. It's the type of game I think everyone should play once before they die - the only thing keeping it from going higher is the fact that a good chunk of the enjoyment pivots off of who you're playing with, rather than the game itself. Which isn't a flaw per se, but a 5 game in my eyes would have to be something that's confident in itself.

Fibbage 2 (4) - This is a game that's confident in itself. Of course who you're playing with will enhance the experience, but the sheer amount of absurdity this game throws at you alongside its own spiel of deception has made it a go-to for me. It's only not a 5 due to the fact that there just isn't enough content to keep it from getting old - that, and the third game is unbelievably better. (I'd give fib 3 five stars)

Bomb Corp. (3.5) - Surprisingly challenging logic puzzler. But what is it doing here? Playing this in multiplayer is, uhm, impossible. I haven't once been able to make any sense of it. The singleplayer experience is the way to go and something I pretty thoroughly enjoyed all the way to the end. Not a whole lot else to say about it though but do prepare for the difficulty spike at the end

Earwax (2.5
) - I personally really like this one, and have had a grand few laughing fits over it. But I can't look past its flaws. The game is entirely luck-based, as you only get a randomly chosen selection of sounds. If you're on the short end of that, the game sucks. Which is a shame, because conceptually I love the idea of the game! But that major flaw is what killed it for my brother - and I can't blame him.

Bidiots (2*) - this game blows