Didn't finish, didn't like it, needed it out of my playing tab

I'd call it a lot 'better' than Ginga Force but I still think EXP systems and grinding are terrible in shmups, and also the lack of GF's insane setpieces killed any motivation I had to go further. GF plays abominably, but when you get to take down lightspeed missiles while gliding above the infinite sea or taking on an inpenetrable horde of spiderbots aboard a sky cruiser, those moments are what make you put up with the hell. But Natsuki's levels are all indistinct asset store hodge-podges.

Also, they could not make me more apathetic to this universe's lore by trying to make me take the 'kill them all, Peter' bit seriously

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2023


1 year ago

Unrelated, but I just read your bio and I think you might need to check yourself for Diaper Pie.

7 months ago

it's like, even when we win, he wins