Banger. Loved the setup and the mystery of everything. I am absolutely full of questions and excited to keep going with the sequel.

Fun trip down memory lane with a chunky amount of new interconnected routes. Been years since I played the original so it was fun to revisit the old stuff too.

Bro one of the worst ports I've ever played since trying to run mid 2000s games on my windows 98 pc back in the day. But I pushed through and beat it on the vita. Tried my best to have fun but dawg 15fps ain't the way... (won't let that affect my rating here tho, the game itself is a banger)

Yeah this version is a little scuffed. But looking past some issues, this is an absolute classic that I'm glad to have experienced. Loved Heather's attitude as well. It kept me sane throughout the game.

Fun throwback to my childhood back when I lived in Poland in the early 2000s. Had to play with the Polish dub lol. Really decent little platformer with some fun fanservice. Although the dialogue was pretty corny overall but its fine.

Cool game. Very creative puzzles. Never played anything like it before and I don't know if I'll ever play anything like it again. Very unique game

Fun little game. Never read the manga before, but this defo made me wanna pick it up now. I got it for ¥100 years ago so I'm glad I finally went ahead and cleared it from the backlog. Kinda wanna try the sequel eventually too

I remember getting it on ps+ back when I first got my ps4 many years ago. Finally finished it. Lovely little game. I wish sony did more of these smaller types of games, but ehh... c'est la vie.

Pls play it. It's amazing. Binged it in a few days, it was THAT good. Itsuno delivered a banger with this one and I'm glad 2 got announced the other day. (Written right after the announcement of 2 lol)

I enjoyed very little about this one. I try not to be too harsh on games, but this game... man this game is ASS. It may very well be one of the worst sonic games I've ever played. And I played Sonic Blast!

Been in the backlog for a while. Happy to finally finish it. It was really fun. Janky character models and voice acting just added to the charm tbh.

Been quite a number of years since I last played through this game. Still a masterpiece. They really don't make them like they used to smh. Fantastic choice by sony to kick off the new PS1 Classics (Written when the program started. This aged like milk, huh)

Good time. Very short but a fun experience. Although aesthetically I think the original looks more interesting. But this was a fair substitute. Hopefully Saga will get a remake eventually too...

This might be my favorite one. I generally loved everything about it. Really annoying enemies near the end, but it was too fun so I never gave up. That ending was really ballsy, but I can imagine ways to retcon it for the better if they ever go back to it.

Pretty good time. Bitesized fully 2D version of Sonic Generations with a different lineup of stages. Always wanted to check it out and yeah it was fun. Good time killer for an afternoon.