19 Reviews liked by MamaBedlam

The Kill The Past equivalent to Avengers Endgame, except this actually made me feel something.

Now, there is no mystery about IF there's a cult and WHAT they want. The game made both very clear from the beginning.

Instead, it weaves a mystery about a few key players and how they are connected to all of this. If you are fine with that you get a decent game. It's like fast food. Nice as a treat but not exactly filling. Reminded me a bit of Quantum Dream games without the QTE.

This isn't a joke 5 star like most of the others.

The gameplay in this is interesting, but executed preeetty roughly tbh. If I was ranking it solely on that, it'd probably be a 3 at best. But I'm not even factoring it in at all, cause that's not why I love this game.

This game came at a perfect time for me. I was starting to accept my gender identity, but still kinda struggling with it at the same time, if that makes sense. So when I played this game, I ended up truly relating to the issues and concerns J.J. faces in a way I've never related with another character before, and I mean every issue, even including the ones revealed at the very end.

Game genuinely left me in a depressed state for a few days after I completed it, but I think it's messages also helped me come out of the experience better than I was before it. I can't recommend this game enough, especially if you're struggling with your identity like I was.

a masterpiece in insanity, i cannot comprehend how much of a cosmic mess this game is