Who knew when you hire actual comedy writers, your game can be witty without being annoying?

Also easily one of the best rhythm combat games I have ever played.

Pretty much an equal quality reframing of RE4 that really only has one or two things that suck and they last five minutes at most

This is a hidden horror game AND a hidden gambling game and I adore the presentation

This is a gambling game without the unethical gambling parts.

An excellent story with gunplay and driving that feel just right for what they're going for. Only thing I'm really down on is the bases you have to raid and even then I'm more indifferent on them than anything. I also liked the DLCs a whole lot, Sign of the Times being a particular highlight, especially with you unlocking the ability to renovate the bar hideout. Easily my favorite serious open world crime sandbox.

A lovely homage to STALKER/Roadside Picnic that took just under 24 hours to 100%. Really neat timeline change mechanic, and an interesting story with a better ending than most STALKER stories.

The best survival horror since Lost In Vivo, and before that since Silent Hill 2

The one good gacha
Literally the only one I find acceptable

Suda knocks it out of the park once more

It has such a bad first foot forward that I was actually bothered by this writing. Such a step down from this team's previous output (Nightmare House 2, notably, which is my favorite Source horror game).

It just feels like Scary Terry telling me suicide is badass and I can't take a single thing this game attempts to do seriously.

Not perfect, there's some bullshit in there gameplay-wise, but Shadow of Rose is short and sweet, the third person is well thought out, and the Mercs overhaul is just generally appreciated.

I hate that I don't hate it fuck my goblin brain

I'm not crying, you're throwing mist in my eyes as a test of my reflexes

You know what? The game ain't groundbreaking, but it never ever lets up. Turning nazis into piles of gibs, constant grindhouse styled cutscenes, social commentary that doesn't feel insulting, and guns that sound like the world's gonna end when you fire them. Just good shit all around.