The game itself is fine, it's cool, I suppose, but honestly once the game ran out of Splatfests (and once I had to pay for Nintendo Switch Online) any interest I had evaporated overnight.

While probably the weakest MGS game plot-wise in the numbered series, the gameplay is just too good to be down on it for me.

Best thing Swery's ever made and keeps me up at night thinking about it

Tasteless, gory, offensive, dated, and everything else you want from a sandbox from 2003. A genuine thing of beauty that, if you can look past the occasional crash, is an amazing sight to behold.

Honestly kino, but fuck the Wandering Vagrant

I'd rate this game a half star but the combat is servicable enough to warrant at least one.

A perfectly fine time waster, but the luster really wears off fast when playing with randoms over text or the same groups of friends over and over and over. Devs are really good, though!

A really solid stand-alone expansion of an excellent game.

This, THIS is where FFXIV from good to GREAT. While A Realm Reborn was a fun time with an engaging narrative, this not only expands on the world as a whole, but stays breathtaking from start to finish.

Also those first few DRK quests had me wanting to take a cold shower, they were too good.

While the weakest entry into FFXIV (not counting 1.0, I'm talking strictly 2.0 or A Realm Reborn) as a whole, it's still a great introduction to the world of Eorzea. No matter your personal era of Final Fantasy, there's something familiar for you here, and a lot of the fluff has been reduced or outright removed. I'd say wait until the boss fight against Titan and from there, decide if you like it. Huge ups for crossplay on every single platform!

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An excellent short, heartbreaking horror story about the impact cults have on a family. No time wasted, no moon logic for the puzzles, and an absolutely perfect understanding of how and when to use certain horror tricks.

While not Platinum Games or Yoko Taro's finest offering, it answers the joke question people had for years "what if a Yoko Taro game had great gameplay" with the answer of "A glorious sight."